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1997 DIRECTORY | ||
The Teacher Enhancement (TE) Program supports professionaldevelopment that leads to a new level of teacher competence withina supportive school culture. This enables teachers to engageall students from pre-kindergarten through grade 12 [preK-12]in rich and challenging programs in science, mathematics and technology. Supported projects seek to improve the disciplinary and pedagogicalknowledge of teachers. They also involve administrators and otherswho play significant roles in providing quality science, mathematics,and technology education for students.
Purposes and Organization of Directory
This Directory focuses on a subset of projects whichwill build the capacity for reform. The projects represent considerablediversity with respect to content, grade level, geographical location,and special emphasis. Many of these projects involve summer workshopsfor elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers with requisiteparticipation in follow-up activities. In addition, they developteachers or teams of teachers to return to their schools servingas leaders for science, mathematics and technology reform. Suchprojects offer excellent opportunities for teachers to updatetheir disciplinary knowledge and pedagogical skills, develop leadershipabilities, and interact professionally with colleagues and otherscientists, mathematicians, and engineers.
The entries are organized by the state of the sponsoringinstitution, the institution name and the Principal Investigator. Some projects draw from the immediate local vicinity, othersaccept applications from the state or several contiguous states,and some are national in scope. Some projects focus on localreform or restructuring and although listed here, may not acceptapplicants from outside their district. Most projects pay expensesand stipends to the participants, and many offer academic credit(check eligibility for details). Program dates and applicationdeadlines vary, as do disciplinary and grade level emphases. For such information, application forms and other particularscontact the person identified in the project listing. In somecases, vacancies develop or lists of alternates are maintained,so it may prove worthwhile to apply even after the stated deadline.
Please note that this is not a complete directoryof currently active NSF TE projects. We have restricted the listingto those projects that are accepting applications for summer (andin a few cases, academic year) activities. Some on-going projectsalready have a full complement of participants; some are in adissemination mode, and others are completing their activities.
The information printed here is based upon that suppliedby the Principal Investigator. We hope errors have been keptto a minimum and we apologize to Principal Investigators and readersfor any inadvertent omissions. For some projects, complete projectinformation was not received by the print date. To receive themost up to date information please call the project's contactperson.
The Foundation provides awards for research and education in thesciences and engineering. The awardee is wholly responsible forthe conduct of such research and preparation of the results forpublication. The Foundation, therefore, does not assume responsibilityfor the research findings or their interpretation.
The Foundation welcomes proposals from all qualified scientistsand engineers and strongly encourages women, minorities, and personswith disabilities to compete fully in any of the research relatedprograms described here. In accordance with federal statutes,regulations, and NSF policies, no person on grounds of race, color,age, sex, national origin, or disability shall be excluded fromparticipation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject todiscrimination under any program or activity receiving financialassistance from the National Science Foundation.
Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities(FASED) provide funding for special assistance or equipment toenable persons with disabilities (investigators and other staff,including student research assistants) to work on NSF projects. See the program announcement or contact the program coordinatorat (703) 306-1636.
Privacy Act and Public Burden. The information requested on proposalforms is solicited under the authority of the National ScienceFoundation Act of 1950, as amended. It will be used in connectionwith the selection of qualified proposals and may be disclosedto qualified reviewers and staff assistants as part of the reviewprocess; to applicant institutions/grantees; to provide or obtaindata regarding the application review process, award decisions,or the administration of awards; to government contractors, experts,volunteers, and researchers as necessary to complete assignedwork; and to other government agencies in order to coordinateprograms. See Systems of Records, NSF 50, Principal Investigators/ProposalFile and Associated Records, and NSF-51, 60 Federal Register 4449(January 23, 1995). Reviewer/Proposal File and Associated Records,59 Federal Register 8031 (February 17, 1994). Submission of theinformation is voluntary. Failure to provide full and completeinformation, however, may reduce the possibility of your receivingan award.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information isestimated to average 120 hours per response, including the timefor reviewing instructions. Send comments regarding this burdenestimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Herman G. Fleming,Reports Clearance Officer, Contracts, Policy, and Oversight, NationalScience Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230.
The National Science Foundation has TDD (Telephonic Device forthe Deaf) capability, which enables individuals with hearing impairmentto communicate with the Foundation about NSF programs, employment,or general information. To access NSF TDD dial (703) 306-0090;for FIRS, 1-800-877-8339.
University of Alabama - Birmingham
ASCI High School Teacher Summer Fellowship Program
Principle Investigator: William Koopman
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: A programto enhance US high school science education, establish new linksbetween high schools and biomedical investigators, and attractmore students into scientific careers. This program providesfellowships for 10 high school science teachers. LOCATION: Various - city where fellow lives. DISCIPLINE: Science. ENROLLMENT: 10. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: High school science teachers only; US residents. DATES: 8-10 weeks. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 1/31/97. CONTACT: Beverly Wilson, Chairman's Office, DOM, University of Alabama- Birmingham, BDB 420, Birmingham, AL 35294-0012. PHONE: (205) 934-7700. FAX: (205) 934-1477. EMAIL:
* Anchorage School District
POLARIS: Project on Leading Alaska Reform inScience
Principle Investigator: Robert Nanney
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: POLARISis a four-year secondary science teacher enhancement project fundedby the National Science Foundation reinforced by support fromfive Alaska school systems (Alaska Gateway, Anchorage, Fairbanks,Kenai and Mat-Su), public agencies, universities, and industries. Primary products are enhanced student interest and achievementin sciences accomplished through intensive instruction in sciencecontent and effective classroom practices for 60 Tier 1 teacher-leaderswho will serve as resource persons in providing 17 days of trainingfor the Tier 2 colleagues. CONTACT: Larry Read, AnchorageSchool District, POLARIS, 8061 Pioneer Drive, Anchorage, AK 99504. PHONE: (907) 337-5736. EMAIL:
Arizona State University
Modeling Instruction in High School Physics
Principle Investigator: David Hestenes
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Workshopsfor 2 consecutive summers on Modeling Instruction, a student-centered,research based methodology which emphasizes students' constructionand use of mathematical models to describe, explain, and predictphysical phenomena. LOCATION: Tempe, AZ, River Falls, WI and Akron, OH. DISCIPLINE: Physics. ENROLLMENT: 75. GRADE(S): 11-12. ELIGIBILITY: All States. Physics teachers whowish to contribute to local physics teaching reform. DATES: 4 weeks: 7/7/97 - 8/1/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: PartI: 2/20/97; Part 2: 3/17/97. CONTACT: Jane Jackson,Arizona State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy,Box 871504, Tempe, AZ 85287-1504. PHONE: (602) 965-8438. FAX: (602) 965-7331. EMAIL:
Maricopa Community College District
Changing The High School System: ImplementingThe Interactive Mathematics Program In Arizona
Principle Investigator: Linda Jaslow, Marilyn Carlson,and Nora Ramirez
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Ifspace permits - Please Contact.
DESCRIPTION: AZ IMP2consists of professional development activities for mathematicsteachers in schools implementing the reformed high school mathematicsprogram, the Interactive Mathematics Program (IMP). These activitiesfocus on the curriculum, pedagogy and assessment philosophy ofthe IMP and are appropriate for middle school and high schoolteachers. Professional development activities continue throughoutthe school year. LOCATION: Phoenix, AZ. DISCIPLINE: Units of the IMP program; sessions based on different years ofthe curriculum. ENROLLEMENT: 32 teachers per session;4 sessions. GRADE(S): 7-12. ELIGIBILITY: Teacherswho are targeted teachers for this program and when space is availableto middle school or high school teachers interested in this reformedcurriculum. If space is available, teachers outside of the targetedschools may attend. A fee to cover expenses for supplies andmaterials will be charged. DATES: 6/9/97 - 6/13/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 4/24/97. CONTACT: NoraRamirez, Maricopa Community College District, 2411 W. 14thSt., Tempe, AZ 85281. PHONE: (602) 731-8050. FAX: (602) 731-8060. EMAIL:
Maricopa Community College District
Phoenix Urban System Initiative (USI) CognitivelyGuided Instruction Project
Principle Investigator: Linda Jaslow and Jim Middleton
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Ifspace permits - Please Contact.
DESCRIPTION: ProvideK-4 teachers with 45 hours of training in Cognitively Guided Instruction(CGI) and help them to use this understanding to enhance theirpedagogical strategies and integrate CGI knowledge with theircurriculum materials. LOCATION: Phoenix, AZ. DISCIPLINE: Cognitively Guided Instruction. ENROLLEMENT: 32 teachersper session; 5 sessions - three 25-hour courses and two 45-hourcourses. GRADE(S): K-4. ELIGIBILITY: Teacherswho are part of the Phoenix USI have priority enrollment for thetraining. If space is available, participants outside of thetargeted area may attend. DATES: Dates have not beenset but will be between 6/1/97 and 8/1/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Mid April, 1997. CONTACT: Linda Jaslow, Maricopa CommunityCollege District, 2411 W. 14th St., Tempe, AZ 85281. PHONE: (602) 731-8054. EMAIL:
Mesa Public Schools
Mesa Systemic Initiative
Principle Investigator: Susan Sprague
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: Programsrange from 1 to 8 days and will be designed around the districtand site needs assessment. Topics can range from science andmath content to monitoring skills for working with new math andscience teachers. LOCATION: Mesa, AZ. DISCIPLINE: Math, science and pedagogy. ENROLLEMENT: 250. GRADE(S): K-8. ELIGIBILITY: Mesa Public Schools or identifiedpartner districts such as the Phoenix Urban Systemic Initiative. DATES: Varies between 5/23/97 - 8/1/97. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: 4/1/97. CONTACT: Bob Box, Science/SocialScience Resource Center, Mesa Public Schools, 143 S. Alma SchoolRd., Mesa, AZ 85210-1096. PHONE: (602) 890-7878. FAX: (602) 890-7365.
* Northern Arizona University
Western Regional Program for Precollege BiologicalScience Education
Principle Investigator: T. Lon O wen
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: The courseis a three-week workshop and follow-up activities, centered aroundinquiry-based AP Biology exercises and biotechnology labs anddidactic material. It includes sessions on computer and mediatechnology, enhancing minority student participation and grantwriting. CONTACT: T. Lon Owen, Northern Arizona University,Biological Sciences, NAU - Box 5640, Flagstaff, AZ 86011. PHONE: (520) 523-7228. EMAIL:
* University of Arizona
University of Arizona Biology Teaching Project
Principle Investigator: Martha Narro
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Designedfor middle and high school biological science teachers, this programcombines biology content with modern teaching methods. Participantsexperience scientific problem solving and critical thinking toenhance their teaching skills. CONTACT: Ellie Warder,University of Arizona, Department of Biochemistry, Biosciences,West Tucson, AZ 85721. PHONE: (520) 621-5903. EMAIL:
University of Arizona
Project PRIME: Promoting Reform In MathematicsEducation
Principle Investigator: Elias Toubassi
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: PRIME isa three year training program to enhance the mathematical knowledgeand leadership skills of teachers in grades 3-8. The programadopts an integrated approach to the teaching of mathematics -to blend the teaching of subject matter with the use of problemsolving and technology. LOCATION: Tucson, AZ. DISCIPLINE: Geometry; numbers, algebra & functions; probability &statistics. ENROLLMENT: N/A. GRADE(S): 3-8. ELIGIBILITY: Teachers accepted in prior years. DATES: 6/16/97-6/20/97 and 6/16/97-6/27/97 - one and two week sessions. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Elias Toubassi,PRIME Program, University of Arizona, Department of Mathematics,Tucson, AZ 85721. PHONE: (520) 621-6882. FAX: (520) 621-8322. EMAIL:
University of Arkansas - Little Rock
Arkansas Physics Lending Library (APLL): A PhysicsTeacher Enhancement Program
Principle Investigator: Alois (Al) Adams
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Physicsteachers develop portable laboratory modules which will comprisethe collection for a lending library open to all physics teachersin Arkansas. Workshop curricula will make possible a strengtheningof physics fundamentals and an extensive hands-on experience withadvanced laboratory instrumentation and computer-based measurementsystems. LOCATION: Little Rock, AR. DISCIPLINE: Physics. ENROLLEMENT: 20. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: Arkansas physics teachers only. DATES: 4 weeks: 6/16/97 - 7/11/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applicationsaccepted until class is full. CONTACT: Al Adams, AppliedScience Department, University of Arkansas - Little Rock, 2801S. University, Little Rock, AR 72204-1099. PHONE: (501)569-8033. EMAIL:
* University of Arkansas - Little Rock
Arkansas STRIVE: A Joint Venture For Math/ScienceTeacher Enhancement Through Involvement In Research
Principle Investigator: Gaylord Northrop
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Math, scienceand computer 7-12th grade teachers are placed in local industries,universities, or state/federal agencies for eight summer weeksof research activity. They also attend Leadership Seminars andprepare Curriculum Change Recommendations. CONTACT: LynneG. Tull, University of Arkansas - Little Rock, Arkansas STRIVEProgram, 2801 S. University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204. PHONE: (501) 569-8069.
California Institute of Technology
Hands-on Science in Pasadena: Middle School Extension
Principle Investigator: James Bower
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: Extensionof the K-6, inquiry-based science program to grades 7-8. LOCATION: Pasadena, CA. DISCIPLINE: Science. ENROLLEMENT: 15. GRADE(S): 7-8. ELIGIBILITY: Current Participantsonly. DATES: N/A. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Jennifer Yure, 740 W. Woodbury Rd., Pasadena,CA 91103. FAX: (818) 440-0865.
California State Department of Education
Math Matters
Principle Investigator: Thomas Lester
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: Math Mattersis an intensive and comprehensive K-6 professional developmentprogram which supports and promotes the national reform effortsin mathematics. It focuses on elementary school Title I and Migrantstudents, but is designed to improve mathematics achievement ofall California students. It incorporates a balanced program ofbasic skills, conceptual understanding and problem-solving. LOCATION: Various Math Matters Sites in CA. DISCIPLINE: Mathematics. ENROLLMENT: N/A. GRADE(S): K-6. ELIGIBILITY: Math Matters participants. DATES: 3 weeks (variety ofdates). APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Thomas Lester, California State Department of Education, ThirdFloor, 721 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, CA 95814. PHONE: (916) 657-5349. FAX: (916) 657-2928. EMAIL:
* California State University - Northridge
Teacher Institute for Using Computer Visualizationfor Teaching Mathematics
Principle Investigator: Linda Huetinck
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Using computersvisualizations in teaching secondary mathematics. CONTACT: Linda Huetinck, California State University - Northridge, Schoolof Education, 1811 Nordhalt Street, Northridge, CA 91330-8265.
* California State University - Northridge
Institutionalizing Student Biology Research Projects
Principle Investigator: Steven Oppenheimer
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: This projecttrains teachers in the latest advances in biological science andhow to incorporate quality student research pro jects (where studentsactually publish their research in the Journal of Student ResearchAbstracts, Burgess International publishers) into their curriculumpermanently. CONTACT: Steven Oppenheimer, CaliforniaState University - Northridge, Center for Cancer and DevelopmentalBiology, 18111 Nordhoff St., Northridge, CA 91330-8303. PHONE: (818) 885-3336.
Exploratorium Institute for Inquiry
Principle Investigator: Lynn Rankin
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The ExploratoriumInstitute for Inquiry provides workshops, programs, on-line support,and an intellectual community of practice which allow sciencereform educators a deep experience of how inquiry learning looksand feels. The Introduction to Inquiry Workshop, an inquiry immersionexperience that takes place twice during the summer months, isdesigned for educators who are interested in moving from teacherdirected, hands-on teaching to more teacher facilitated, learnercentered inquiry approaches. The workshop allows participantsthe opportunity to conduct extended inquiry investigations, developa framework that describes and facilitates the inquiry process,examine models for inquiry teaching strategies, and meet otherparticipants to create a network of future mutual support. LOCATION: San Francisco, CA. DISCIPLINE: Physics and art. ENROLLEMENT: 64. GRADE(S): K-6. ELIGIBILITY: The teachersattend the workshop as part of a larger team of educators fromtheir district or project. The program is open to science resourceteachers, lead teachers and others who have a designated rolein their district or project reform efforts. DATES: 6/16/97- 6/28/97 and 7/7/97 - 7/19/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 2/21/97. CONTACT: Shannon Lalor, 3601 Lyon St., San Francisco,CA 94114. PHONE: (415) 561-0330. FAX: (4150561-0307. EMAIL:
Far West Laboratory Education Research & Development(WestEd)
Coordinated Science in California
Principle Investigator: Steve Schneider
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: These summerprograms are designed to enhance the content and pedagogy of SS&Cteachers. The institute foci include performance assessment,inquiry science methodology, coordination of science disciplines,and addressing the needs of historically underserved populations. LOCATION: Davis, CA & Santa Barbara, CA. ENROLLMENT: 80. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: SS&C teachers. DATES: undetermined. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Helen Kota, Far West Laboratory Education Research& Development (WestEd), c/o SS&C at CSU-Sacramento, 6000J St., Sacramento, CA 95819-6120. PHONE: (916) 278-4766. EMAIL:
* Mount San Antonio College
Chemistry and Physics Fundamentals for MiddleSchool Minority Teachers or Teachers of Minority Students
Principle Investigator: Susan Arena
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Chemistryand Physics Fundamentals. CONTACT: Susan Arena, MountSan Antonio College, 1100 N. Grand Avenue, Walnut, CA 91789. PHONE: (909) 594-5611. EMAIL:
Occidental College
Teachers + Occidental = Partnership in Science(TOPS)
Principle Investigator: Chris Craney
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: During thesummer program, teachers are instructed in a series of biologyand chemistry experiments with a biochemistry orientation. Duringthe school year, the equipment for the experiments, includinggas chromatographs, spectrophotometers, computers, analyticalbalances, microscale kits, etc. is delivered to the school bythe TOPS van. The TOPS resource teacher assists the classroomteachers in presenting the lab, which is carried out by the students. LOCATION: Los Angeles, CA. DISCIPLINE: Biologyand chemistry. ENROLLEMENT: 30. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: High school Biology or Chemistry teacherswithin 25 miles of Occidental College. DATES: Two weeksin July - Please Contact. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5/1/97. CONTACT: April Mazzeo, Program Coordinator, 1600 CampusRd., Los Angeles, CA 90041. PHONE: (213) 259-2892. EMAIL:
* San Diego State University Foundation
Reforming the Preparation and Professional Developmentof Elementary and Middle School Mathematics Teachers
Principle Investigator: Judith Sowder
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Reconceptualizingelementary school arithmetic in terms of quantity and quantitativerelationships. In depth study of rational numbers and multiplicativereasoning. Focus on development of number cause and of ability. CONTACT: Judith Sowder, San Diego State University Foundation,Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education, 6475Alvarado Rd, Suite 206, San Diego, CA 92120.
San Diego State University Foundation
Using Computer Technology to Develop Constructivist-OrientedClassroom Environments
Principle Investigator: Fred Goldberg
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: This projectis developing innovative pedagogy and software to support a learningenvironment where students, individually, in small groups andas a whole class con construct valid and robust knowledge in physics. The project materials will be disseminated by a cadre of 24 teams,geographically distributed around the United States. Each teamconsists of both University and precollege teachers. LOCATION: San Diego, CA. DISCIPLINE: Physics. ENROLLMENT: 73. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: Participantswho applied as a team prior to 2/96. DATES: 6/15/97 -7/2/97or 7/13/97 - 7/30/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Stacy McGhee, San Diego State University Foundation, Center forResearch in Mathematics and Science Education, 6475 Alvarado Rd,Suite 206, San Diego, CA 92120. PHONE: (619) 594-2571. FAX: (619) 594-1581. EMAIL:
San Francisco Unified School District
Teaching with 4D: Diversity, Dialogue, Dimensionsand Design
Principle Investigator: Theresa Hernandez-Heinz
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: Teachingwith 4D is a four-year Teacher Enhancement Project which provideshigh school mathematics teachers with professional developmentusing the curriculum of the Interactive Mathematics Program. During the summe r two IMP units provide the context in which studentcentered, problem based instructional strategies are developed. Teachers strengthen their own mathematical conceptual understandingin algebra, geometry functions, and probability and statisticsfunctions. LOCATION: San Francisco, CA. DISCIPLINE: 4 years of integrated mathematics. ENROLLMENT: 36. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: Teachers who arecurrently teaching at present IMP sites. DATES: InteractiveMathematics Program (years 1-4) - 6/11/97 - 6/13/97 and 8/11/97- 8/13/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5/19/97. CONTACT: Theresa Hernandez-Heinz, San Francis Unified School District,Curriculum Improvement & Professional Development, 2550-25thAvenue, San Francisco, CA 94116. PHONE: (415) 759-2950. EMAIL:
San Francisco Unified School District
CITY SCIENCE -- A Systemic Plan for ElementaryScience in San Francisco
Principle Investigator: Maria Santos
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: This LSCInitiative builds on the momentum generated from the previousTeacher Enhancement grant and focuses on sustaining the gainsmade in science education. The goals of the project is to increasethe amount of time that teachers spend on quality science instructionto 200 minutes per week, provide 100 hours of science professionaldevelopment to all K-5 Teachers over the period of the grant andbuild teacher leadership capacity needed to promote a active learningscience community at school sites. LOCATION: San Francisco,CA. DISCIPLINE: Tools of Science, Physical Science, InquiryScience, Math: Data Analysis, Probability, Number Theory. ENROLLEMENT: 250. GRADE(S): K-5. ELIGIBILITY: This program is for all SFUSD K-5 teachers. DATES: 5weeks: 6/16/97 - 7/18/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5/31/97. CONTACT: Sandra Lam, Curriculum Improvement & ProfessionalDevelopment Center, 2550 25th Ave., San Francisco,CA 94116. PHONE: (415) 759-2950. EMAIL:
San Jose State University
San Jose Mathematics Leadership Project
Principle Investigator: Joanne Rossi Becker
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: This extensionis a site-based staff development project. Twenty-four schoolsare planning and carrying out their own staff development, supplementedby full-day workshops and meetings for all teachers. LOCATION: San Jose, CA. DISCIPLINE: Mathematics. ENROLLEMENT: 75. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: Current participantsonly. DATES: TBA. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Joanne Rossi Becker, Department of Mathematics& Computer Science, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 95192-0103. PHONE: (408) 924-5112. EMAIL:
* San Jose State University
Laser Applications in Science Education (LASE):Dissemination Phase
Principle Investigator: Gareth Williams
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Hands-onworkshop on the uses of laser to teach the principles of opticsin the classroom. Parts of the laser applications in scienceeducation (LASE) project. CONTACT: Joel Blatt, San JoseState University, Florida Institute of Technology, 150 W. UniversityBlvd., Melbourne, FL 32901. PHONE: (407) 768-8000. EMAIL:
* San Jose State University
Laser Applications in Science Education (LASE):Dissemination Phase
Principle Investigator: Gareth Williams
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Hands-onworkshop on the uses of laser to teach the principles of opticsin the classroom. Parts of the laser applications in scienceeducation (LASE) project. CONTACT: M. J. Soileau, SanJose State University, University of Central Florida, Center forResearch in Optics and Lasers, Orlando, FL 32816. PHONE: (407) 823-6834. EMAIL:
* San Jose State University
Laser Applications in Science Education (LASE):Dissemination Phase
Principle Investigator: Gareth Williams
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Hands-onworkshop on the uses of laser to teach the principles of opticsin the classroom. Parts of the laser applications in scienceeducation (LASE) project. CONTACT: Jean Bennett, SanJose State University, Code 4741AOD Michelson Lab, Naval Air WarfareCenter, China Lake, CA 93555. PHONE: (619) 939-1426. EMAIL:
* San Jose State University
Laser Applications in Science Education (LASE):Dissemination Phase
Principle Investigator: Gareth Williams
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Hands-onworkshop on the uses of laser to teach the principles of opticsin the classroom. Parts of the laser applications in scienceeducation (LASE) project. CONTACT: Fred Watts, San JoseState University, College of Charleston, Physics Department, Charleston,SC 29412. PHONE: (803) 953-8075. EMAIL:
* San Jose State University
Laser Applications in Science Education (LASE):Dissemination Phase
Principle Investigator: Gareth Williams
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Hands-onworkshop on the uses of laser to teach the principles of opticsin the classroom. Parts of the laser applications in scienceeducation (LASE) project. CONTACT: Lisa Morris, San JoseState University, Washington State University, Physics Department,Pullman, WA 99164-2814. PHONE: (509) 335-8298. EMAIL:
* Siskiyou County Office of Education
Collaborative Partnerships in Establishing PermanentChange in Science Education in Northern California (SIRC)
Principle Investigator: Stephen Essig
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: A 21 dayproject over 13 months for elementary teachers K-8 who don't havescience background and lack confidence to teach science. GeneralScience content and hands-on, constructivist pedagogy modeled. CONTACT: Stephen Essig, Siskiyou County Office of Education,3629 Canterbury Drive, Redding, CA 96001. PHONE: (916)222-5820. EMAIL: ste ssig@shastalink.K12.CA.VS.
* University of California - Berkeley
Bridging Preschool and Kindergarten through TeacherEnhancement in Science and Mathematics
Principle Investigator: Kimi Hosoume
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: The PEACHESSummer Institute provides teachers with appropriate and motivatingscience experiences that support the growth and transition ofyoung children from preschool through kindergarten. Instituteactivities encourage a child's appreciation of nature throughan imaginative, hands-on approach. Mathematics, Physical Science,Language Arts are carefully integrated. CONTACT: KimiHosoume, University of California-Berkeley, Lawrence Hall of Science,Berkeley, CA 94720-5200. PHONE: (570) 643-0371. EMAIL:
University of California - Berkeley
Hands-On Universe Teacher Enhancement
Principle Investigator: Carlton Pennypacker
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Hands-OnUniverse (HOU) is an educational program that enables studentsto investigate the Universe while applying tools and conceptsfrom science, math, and technology. Using the Internet, HOU participantsaround the world request observations from automated telescopes,download images from a large image archive, and analyze them withthe aid of user-friendly image processing software. HOU alsoincludes a comprehensive set of curriculum activities that encompassthe concepts and skills outlined in NRC and NCTM in the contextof genuine astronomical exploration. LOCATION: Carmel,CA; Albany, CA; Chicago, IL; Nashville, TN; NH and possibly others. DISCIPLINE: Physics, astronomy, general high school math,computers and technology. ENROLLEMENT: 100. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: Science, math or technology teacherwho agrees to teach Hands-On Universe, pay a $250 user fee, andmake a commitment for two years. DATES: 5 days in thesummer and several days during the academic year. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: May, 1997. CONTACT: Dr. Susan Deustua,Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Bldg. 50, Room 232, Berkeley, CA 94720. PHONE: (510) 486-7432. EMAIL:
University of California - Berkeley
Issue-Oriented Elementary Science-Leadership Project
Principle Investigator: Herbert Thier
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: This teacherenhancement model provides three years of on-going support andleadership training in issue-oriented elementary science to participatingdistricts. The purpose of the partnerships is to improve instructionand learning in science and related areas in upper elementaryschools of the partner districts. LOCATION: Berkeley,CA. DISCIPLINE: Elementary science. ENROLLEMENT: 30+ administrators. GRADE(S): 4-6. ELIGIBILITY: Participating school districts only. DATES: 7/6/97 -7/26/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Chad Spitler, SEPUP, Lawrence Hall of Science, Room 121, Universityof California - Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-5200. FAX: (510) 642-3131.
University of California - Irvine
Orange County Science, Technology and SocietyNetwork
Principle Investigator: Mare Taagepera and GeorgeMiller
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Projectfellows work in partnership with scientists and engineers fromtechnically based corporations, academia and the medical fields. The infusion of science, technology and society issues into thesecondary curriculum will be addressed. Fellows receive contentinstruction, training, and field test the materials. LOCATION: Irvine, CA. DISCIPLINE: All sciences plus some technology. ENROLLEMENT: 40. GRADE(S): 7-12. ELIGIBILITY: Orange County, CA middle and high school teachers of scienceor technology. DATES: 3 weeks: 8/5/97 - 8/23/97 andone day per month during academic year. APPLICATION DEADLINE: March/April 1997. CONTACT: Ann Miller, Science EducationPrograms Office, School of Physical Science, University of California- Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697-4680. PHONE: (714) 824-6390. EMAIL:
University of California - Los Angeles
A Novel Interdisciplinary Science Teacher EducationProgram for The Los Angeles Unified School District with a MarineScience Thematic Approach
Principle Investigator: William Hamner
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The goalof this project, "Leadership in Marine Science," isto increase student interest in science courses and careers, usingmarine science as a thematic approach to unify the disciplinesof biology, physics, chemistry, earth and space sciences, andmath. Participant teachers are provided with university levelinstruction in marine science and with classroom activities thatillustrate principles in each discipline and that relate to nationalscience education standards and state science standards. Participantsare also given leadership training and are expected to disseminatethe LIMS program content and teaching strategies to other teachersthrough in-service sessions and through presentations at district,state, and national conferences. LOCATION: Los Angeles,CA. DISCIPLINE: Marine sciences (including biology, chemistry,physics, earth & space sciences, mathematics). ENROLLEMENT: 40. GRADE(S): 5-12. ELIGIBILITY: Teachers ofgrades 5-12 in the Los Angeles Unified School District. DATES: 7/7/97-8/15/97 plus 6 Saturday follow-up workshops in the '97-'98academic year. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/1/97. CONTACT: Peggy Hamner, Department of Biology, UCLA, Box 951606, Los Angeles,CA 90095-1606. PHONE: (310) 206-8327. FAX: (310) 206-3987. EMAIL:
University of California - Los Angeles
UCLA Project ISSUES (Integrated Systems for StudyingUrban Environmental Science)
Principle Investigator: Raymond Ingersoll
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: UCLA ProjectISSUES integrates environmental science into the more traditionalcurriculum by situating science investigations in the water, landand air issues of the local urban environment. LOCATION: Los Angeles, CA. DISCIPLINE: All sciences. ENROLLEMENT: 50. GRADE(S): 6-14. ELIGIBILITY: Middle school,high school and community college teachers (interdisciplinaryteams with a science teacher preferred). DATES: 4 weeks: 6/30/97-7/25/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5/31/97. CONTACT: Esther Oey, Coordinator UCLA Center X, GSE&IS, 1041 MooreHall, Box 951521, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521. PHONE: (310) 825-3295. EMAIL: FONT>
University of California - Los Angeles
Problem-Solving in the Sciences, An InnovativeSoftware Approach
Principle Investigator: Ron Stevens
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The IMMEXProject at UCLA, and the teachers, administrators and studentsof Los Angeles are creating a Digital Curriculum for improvedand coordinated, student learning and assessment. The creationof this problem-solving curriculum is occurring at all levelsof education (elementary school through medical school) and inmany disciplines (science, math, business, English and socialstudies). Central to the Digital Curriculum is the development, use and evaluation of problem-solving software (currently over200 software problems are available) which teachers have createdfor their students. Supporting this software development effortis an extensive program of training and collaboration among theK-12 teachers and the faculty and students of UCLA and the MedicalCenter. LOCATION: Los Angeles, CA. DISCIPLINE: Biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science, marine science,mathematics, microbiology and genetics. ENROLLEMENT: 80. GRADE(S): K-16. ELIGIBILITY: This workshopis primarily for the teachers of Los Angeles, but out-of-stateteachers have also participated. DATES: 1 month startingearly July, 1997. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/31/97. CONTACT: Ron Stevens, Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology, UCLA Schoolof Medicine, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1747. PHONE: (310)825-3456. EMAIL:
Colorado College
Colorado College - Integrated Science TeacherEnhancement Program (CC-ISTEP)
Principle Investigator: Paul Kuerbis
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Over theirthree year commitment to CC-STEP, the teachers increase theirscience content understanding and their effective use of activeteaching and learning strategies. They engage in materials designconsistent with "constructivist" learning and teaching,which they implement in their classrooms. They also engage inclassroom-based research and take on leadership roles in theirlocal settings. LOCATION: Colorado Springs, CO. DISCIPLINE: Biology and geology. ENROLLEMENT: 8-10. GRADE(S): 5-8. ELIGIBILITY: Middle level Colorado teachers. DATES: 6/11/97 - 7/22/97 plus 6 Saturdays during the academic year. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 1/31/97. CONTACT: PaulKuerbis, Colorado College, 14 E. Cache La Poudre St., ColoradoSprings, CO 80903. EMAIL:
* Colorado State University
S3TAR Small Scale Science: Teachers as Researchers
Principle Investigator: Fredrick Stein
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: An advancedworkshop in Small Scale Science to develop leadership capacityand advanced research capability. CONTACT: Barry Carroll,Colorado State University, CSMATE, B301 NESB Building, Fort Collins,CO 80523-1802. PHONE: (970) 491-1700. EMAIL:
* Interactive Mathematics Program - Rocky MountainRegion
TEAM 2000 (Teacher Enhancement - Authentic Mathematics)
Principle Investigator: Jean Klanica
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Workshopsexplore the content and pedagogical issues high school mathematicsteachers confront when changing their classroom practices. Participantsdo good problems from the IMP curriculum; they reflect on waysto engage their students in these activities; and they deviseways to assess students' mathematical understanding. Teacherswith several years in the project participate in a leadershipdevelopment program. CONTACT: Jean Klanica, InteractiveMathematics Program - Rocky Mountain Region, IMP-RMR, 4700 S.Yosemite St., Englewood, CO 80111. PHONE: (303) 486-4485. EMAIL:
National Center for Atmospheric Research
LEARN II: Atmospheric Science Explorers
Principle Investigator: Carol McLaren
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: The missionof Project LEARN is to provide experiential training and resourcesin the atmospheric sciences for teachers of grades 5-8 in selectedrural districts in Colorado. Teachers will gain expertise incontent areas, pedagogy, use of educational technology and willincrease their leadership skills. LOCATION: Boulder,CO. DISCIPLINE: Atmospheric sciences. ENROLLEMENT: 35. GRADE(S): 5-8. ELIGIBILITY: DesignatedColorado science teachers only. DATES: 3 weeks: 6/9/97-6/27/97and 3 days during academic year. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Carol McLaren, Project LEARN, PO Box 3000,Boulder, CO 80307. EMAIL:
* University of Northern Colorado
Rocky Mountain Secondary Teacher Enhancement Initiativein Mathematics
Principle Investigator: William Blubaugh
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: A three-yeareducational program designed to advance the teaching of secondaryschool mathematics in the 3 state region. 50 teachers are formingthe nucleus of a regional network of educators prepared to lendinnovative reform in mathematics curriculum in grades 7-12. Participantsare receiving and advanced mathematics that will culminate ina master's degree in mathematics with a teaching emphasis. CONTACT: William Blubaugh, University of Northern Colorado, Departmentof Mathematical Sciences, Greeley, CO 80639. PHONE: (970) 351-2028. EMAIL:
University of Northern Colorado
Chemistry and Physics Fundamentals for Pre-HighSchool Teachers
Principle Investigator: James Schreck
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: A continuationof last summer's Chemistry Fundamentals workshop with emphasison physics fundamentals. Workshop will stress discussion anddissemination of content along with practice of appropriate demonstrationsand laboratory activities relevant to physical science for middleschools. LOCATION: Greeley, CO. DISCIPLINE: Chemistry and physics. ENROLLEMENT: 40. GRADE(S): 5-8. ELIGIBILITY: Middle school teachers throughoutthe US. DATES: 6/23/97 - 7/18/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 2/1/97. CONTACT: James Schreck, Institute for ChemicalEducation, Department of Chemistry, University of Northern Colorado,Greeley, CO 80639. < B>PHONE: (970) 351-1286. EMAIL:
* Rescue, Inc. Education Connection
Western Connecticut Middle Grades Math and ScienceTeacher Leadership Project
Principle Investigator: Jane Tedder
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: A three-weeksummer institute connected to an integrated 10-day series of inservicetraining supported by 10 local school districts. This is an opportunityto practice the latest math and science strategies while developingleadership skills and learning the latest technology. CONTACT: Pat Castelli, Rescue, Inc. Education Connection, 355 Goshen Road,PO Box 909, Litchfield, CT 06759-0909. PHONE: (860)567-0863. EMAIL:
* Sacred Heart University
SMARTNET 2000: A Teacher Enhancement Programfor Precollege Science and Mathematics Education
Principle Investigator: Babu George
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: For theadvancement and professional development in math, science, andtechnology from Pre-kindergarten through grade 12. CONTACT: Del Giorno or Barbara Chop, Sacred Heart University, Facultyof Math, Science, and Computer Science, 5151 Park Ave., Fairfield,CT 06432-1000. PHONE: (203) 371-7793.
Science Center of Connecticut/CT Department ofEnvironmental Protection
Project Search: Statewide Teacher Enhancementin Connecticut
Principle Investigator: Hank Gruner
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: ProjectSearch provides CT high school science teachers with all of thetraining and materials to implement a rigorous water quality mentoringprogram within their curriculum. LOCATION: West Hartford,CT. DISCIPLINE: Biology, chemistry, earth science andecology. ENROLLMENT: 50. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: CT High School Science Teachers. DATES: 8/18/97 - 8/22/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 6/30/97. CONTACT: SusanCarroll, Science Center of Connecticut/CT Department of EnvironmentalProtection, Science Center of Connecticut, 950 Trout Brook Drive,West Hartford, CT 06119. PHONE: (860) 231-2830 ext.35. FAX: (860) 232-0705.
* Wesleyan University
Field Science Institute for Teachers
Principle Investigator: J. Gregory McHone
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Academiccontent courses in field science topics/ecology, zoology, botany,and geology; 3 graduate credits. CONTACT: J. GregoryMcHone, Wesleyan University, GLSP, Middletown, CT 06459-0519. PHONE: (203) 347-9411. EMAIL:
* American Chemical Society
Operation Chemistry: Phase II
Principle Investigator: Ann Benbow
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Teams of4 persons (college, high school, elementary/middle school, industry)are trained in chemistry activities that are suitable for teachersin grades 4-8. The teams then return to their local areas toconduct a minimum of 72 hours of staff development for teachersover the course of the 1996-1997 academic year. They will presentworkshops, serve as resource agents, and attend a national AAASmeeting in North Carolina (June 1997). CONTACT: Ann Benbow,American Chemical Society, 1155 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036. PHONE: (202) 872-6179. EMAIL:
* American Meteorological Society
The Maury Project: Exploring the Physical Foundationsof Oceanography
Principle Investigator: Ira Geer
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: A nationalnetwork of precollege peer trainers on the physical foundationsof oceanography will be developed. Teachers will be trained intwo-week workshops at the US Naval Academy and will be suppliedwith Project-developed training modules. These modules will beused to train other teachers in sessions they arrange in theirrespective states. CONTACT: Ira Geer, American MeteorologicalSociety, The Maury Project, Suite 300, 1701 K Street, NW, Washington,DC 20006. PHONE: (202) 466-5782. EMAIL:
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Carnegie Academy for Science Education
Principle Investigator: Maxine Singer
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The CASESummer Institute is an immersion in interactive science beginningwith the nature of science and continuing with earth and space,life and environments, material world, energy and forces. Mathematicsis connected to science activities through measuring, graphing,and problem solving. Techniques for class management, methodsof assessment, instruction and the use of technology are woveninto the daily lessons by the CASE staff which includes scientists,science educators, and former participants who are selected tobe CASE mentor teachers. LOCATION: Washington, DC. ENROLLMENT: 100. GRADE(S): preK-6. ELIGIBILITY: DCPS elementaryschool teachers, preference given to targeted schools. DATES: 6/25/97 - 8/1/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/1/97. CONTACT: Ines Cifuentes or Chuck James, CASE, 1530 P Street, NW, Washington,DC 20005-1910. PHONE: (202) 387-8103. EMAIL: or
Gallaudet University
Summer Institute for Middle School and High SchoolTeachers of the Deaf in Life and Environmental Sciences
Principle Investigator: Kathleen Arnos
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: This goalof this program is to improve the teaching skills and sciencecontent knowledge of middle and high school teachers of deaf students. The program provides training in three content areas - humangenetics, physiology and environmental science. Training in microcomputerskills, the Internet and World Wide Web is also provided. LOCATION: Washington, DC. DISCIPLINE: Human genetics, physiologyand environmental science. ENROLLMENT: 24. GRADE(S): 6-12. ELIGIBILITY: Science teachers of deaf studentsonly. DATES: 5 weeks: 6/30/97 - 8/1/97. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: 4/10/97. CONTACT: Audrey Grissom, Departmentof Biology, Gallaudet University, 80 0 Florida Avenue, NE, Washington,DC 20002. PHONE: (202) 651-5258. EMAIL:
* North American Association for EnvironmentalEducation
VINE Follow-Through: Developing Strategies andMaterials for Promoting More Meaningful Classroom Follow-up toInformal Hands-On Investigations
Principle Investigator: Karen Hollweg
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Teams willdevelop professional development materials to communicate withand support new teachers as they adopt constructivist strategiesfor building on students' outdoor/schoolyard investigations. CONTACT: Karen Hollweg, North American Association forEnvironmental Education, 1255 23rd St., NW #400, Washington, DC 20037. PHONE: (202) 884-8894. EMAIL:
Florida Atlantic University
Mathematics and Science Teacher Enhancement throughChaos and Fractals
Principle Investigator: Heinz-Otto Peitgen
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: This isa three year program for math and science teachers (middle andhigh) from Broward County School District. The focus is on integrationof math and science through topics from chaos and fractals. Theprogram is based on materials which were developed by the PI,Co-PI and 15 lead teachers along the Broward curriculum. LOCATION: Boca Raton and Ft. Lauderdale, FL. DISCIPLINE: Mathematicsand natural sciences. ENROLLMENT: 105. GRADE(S): 5-12. ELIGIBILITY: Broward County School District teachers. DATES: 7/21/97 - 8/9/97 plus 2 follow-up meetings and5 weekend follow-up meetings. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 6/1/97. CONTACT: Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Florida Atlantic University,Department of Mathematics - FAU, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton,FL 33431. PHONE: (561) 367-2482. EMAIL:
* Florida Institute of Technology
The Central and South Florida Middle School PartnershipProgram
Principle Investigator: Thomas Marcinkowski
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: This two-weekSummer Institute is designed to introduce teachers to goals andskills for teaching science-related societal issues (SRSIs), tohelp them further develop and apply those skills and to preparethem to utilize curricular materials emphasizing these goals andskills in their classrooms. Both skill development (modular)materials, included on the U.S. Department of Education's "NationalDiffusion Network," and extended case study materials, willbe distributed to and utilized by teachers. CONTACT: Thomas Marcinkowski, Florida Institute of Technology, ScienceEducation Department, 150 W. University Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901. EMAIL:
University of Florida
Teacher Research Update Experience (TRUE)
Principle Investigator: Mary Jo Koroly
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: TRUE offersmiddle and high school science, math and technology teachers fromacross America the opportunity to update their content knowledgeby participating in research on the campus of one of the nation'sleading research universities. During the first week, teacherswill participate in a hands-on biotechnology and magnet researchworkshop. In weeks two through seven, they will be assigned towork in a UF research laboratory which matches their area of interest. Guided by top UP research scientists, they will develop, carryout, and analyze the results of a research project. Participantswill also attend lectures, tour other laboratories, visit localsites of scientific and ecological interest, and participate inseminars and work groups designed to help them relate the researchexperience to the classroom and develop leadership skills. LOCATION: Gainesville, FL. DISCIPLINE: Biology, physical science,math and technology. ENROLLEMENT: 30. GRADE(S): 6-12. ELIGIBILITY: Science, math and technology teachers. DATES: 7 weeks: 6/15/97 - 8/2/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 4/11/97. CONTACT: Mary Jo Koroly, University of Florida,111 Norman Hall, Box 117035, Gainesville, FL 32611-7035. EMAIL:
University of Northern Florida
Technology, Discovery and Communication in SecondarySchool Mathematics
Principle Investigator: Leonard Lipkin
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Long cohortwith concentration on geometry (sketchpad), data analysis, andlesson writing. Participants have already worked on algebra throughcalculus and pre/alternative algebra courses. There is an emphasison technology, content, methods of teaching and writing. LOCATION: Jacksonville, FL. DISCIPLINE: Geometry and statistics. ENROLLEMENT: 30. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: Participants from Florida and South Georgia. DATES: 2 weeks: 6/16/97 - 6/26/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/1/97. CONTACT: Leonard Lipkin, 4567 St. Johns Bluff Rd., Jacksonville,FL 32224. PHONE: (904) 646-2468. EMAIL:
* University of Hawaii - Hilo
Volcanology for Earth Science Teachers
Principle Investigator: James Anderson
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: VEST consistsof classroom sessions and field excursions conducted by experiencedvolcanologists. Teachers learn about volcanic processes, products,and hazards; gain up-to-date information on volcanoes and relatedgeologic phenomena; examine, feature and collect samples on oneof the most active volcanoes in the world; and develop activitiesand instructional materials for classroom use. CONTACT: Janet Babb, University of Hawaii-Hilo, Department of Geology,200 W. Kawili Street, Hilo, HI 96720-4091. PHONE: (808)933-3398. EMAIL:
Central Jr. High School
Developing Elementary and Middle School MathematicsProfessionals
Principle Investigator: Michael Koenig and JerryBecker
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: This isa teacher enhancement project which provides intensive educationin mathematics and pedagogy for elementary and middle school teachers. Activities in the 3.5 year project are consistent with the newcurriculum and teaching standards. Master teachers will modelteaching, conduct demonstration lessons in classrooms of projectteachers and support them as they implement the new teaching approachesand curricula. LOCATION: Belleville, IL. DISCIPLINE: Mathematics. ENROLLMENT: 100. GRADE(S): K-8. ELIGIBILITY: K-8 teachers of mathematics in the MetroEast area surrounding Belleville, IL. DATES: 6/9/97 -7/7/97 and academic year plus two weeks in summer of 1998. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: 1/31/97. CONTACT: Michael Koenig, CentralJr. High School, 200 S. Illinois St., Belleville, IL 62220-2193. PHONE: (618) 257-8047. EMAIL:
Eastern Illinois University
Formation of a Psychology Institute (PsyIns) toProvide High School Psychology Teachers with Interactive, Hands-OnLab Experiences to Teach Psychology as a Scientific Endeavor
Principle Investigator: Fred Yaffe
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: This projectinvolves high school psychology teachers learning more about thescientific nature of psychology including an understanding abouthow statistics and research methods can be integrated into alltopics of psychology in high school. Participants will shareinnovative projects with each other as well as learning aboutpreviously developed workshop projects. The workshop will culminatewith each participant developing teaching modules using hands-onlaboratory activities in several areas of psychology. LOCATION: Charleston, IL. DISCIPLINE: Psychology. ENROLLMENT: 15. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: Teachers ofhigh school psychology classes. DATES: 7/7/97 - 8/1/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5/15/97. CONTACT: FredYaffe, Eastern Illinois University, Department of Psychology,Charleston, IL 61920. PHONE: (217) 581-2127. FAX: (217) 581-6764. EMAIL:
* Illinois State University
The PUMP Algebra Project
Principle Investigator: Jane Swafford
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: The PUMPAlgebra Projects seeks to increase the number of students, particularlyminorities entering the algebra pipeline through a 3-year teacherenhancement effort with middle school teachers. CONTACT: Jane Swafford, Illinois State University, Department of Mathematics,Box 4520, Normal, IL 61790-4520. PHONE: (309) 438-7797. EMAIL:
* University of Illinois - Chicago
College Prepatory Mathematics Project
Principle Investigator: John Baldwin
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: CPMP isa comprehensive math program with a major goal of increasing minorityrepresentation in the mathematics and science pipeline. The primarystrategy is cooperative learning. Teachers learn to work togetherand form a peer support group; then they enable their studentsto do the same in CPMP mathematics classes. CONTACT: John Baldwin or Robert Dees, University of Illinois - Chicago,M/C 249, 851 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607. PHONE: (312) 996-3381. EMAIL: or
* University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Resource for Science Education: An Infrastructurefor High Performance Computing and Communications in Education
Principle Investigator: Scott Lathrop
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Workshopto assist teachers with learning how to use computing, networkingand visualization technologies to improve math and science education. CONTACT: Umesh Thakkar, University of IL - Urbana-Champaign,605 E. Springfield Avenue, Champaign, IL 61820. PHONE: (217) 244-0072. EMAIL:
* University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
High-Performance Computing and CommunicationsEducation Affiliations in Support of K-12 Education
Principle Investigator: John Ziebarth
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: This programis intended to support educational organizations that do a significantamount of teacher training by providing technological assistanceand training in high-performance computing, visualization techniques,and advanced information technologies. NCSA has formed affiliationswith a variety of such organizations and will be working withthem during the summer of 1996 to provide advanced training fortheir teacher trainers. CONTACT: Lisa Bievenue, Universityof Illinois - Champaign, National Center for Supercomputing Applications,605 E. Springfield Avenue, Champaign, IL 61820. PHONE: (217) 244-1993. EMAIL:
* Ball State University
Building Bridges to the Future: The Next Generationof Science-enabled Elementary School Teachers
Principle Investigator: Susan Johnson
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: The projectis designed to enhance the science knowledge, skills, and teachingability of elementary school teachers in participating Indianaschool districts through intensive summer workshops and classesduring the academic year. CONTACT: Susan Johnson, BallState University, College of Sciences and Humanities, NQ 112,Muncie, IN 47306. PHONE: (317) 285-1042. EMAIL: 00SMJOHNSON@BSUVC.BSU.EDU.
Eagle-Union Community School Corporation
Institute for Science and Technology (ProjectINSITE)
Principle Investigator: Michael Rush
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: ProjectINSITE provides teams of teachers with an opportunity to explorethe application of technology to project-based science and supportsthem in the development of project-based science activities intheir classroom. LOCATION: Zionsville, IN. DISCIPLINE: Project-based science (life and physical) and technology. ENROLLMENT: 80. GRADE(S): 5-9. ELIGIBILITY: Indiana residentspreferred, grades 5-9. DATES: 6/23/97 - 6/27/97, 6/30/97- 7/3/97, and 7/7/97 - 7/11/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/21/97. CONTACT: Peggy Buchanan, Eagle-Union CommunitySchool Corporation, 4800 S. 975 E St., Zionsville, IN 46077. PHONE: (317) 873-1254. FAX: (317) 873-8010. EMAIL:
Purdue University
Purdue Instrument Van Project: A University/HighSchool Collaboration for Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory
Principle Investigator: Harry Morrison
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTI ON: Teachersare instructed in the use of modern scientific instrumentationand current teaching practices. During the school year, instrumentsare delivered to the school for hands-on use by students. LOCATION: West Lafayette, IN. DISCIPLINE: Chemistry and biology. ENROLLMENT: 40. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: Indiana chemistry and biology teachers from 17 specific counties. DATES: Workshop I: 3 weeks - 6/16/97 - 7/3/97; WorkshopII: 2 weeks - 7/7/97 - 7/18/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/30/97. CONTACT: Diane Burnett, Purdue University,Department of Chemistry, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1393. PHONE: (317) 494-7861. FAX: (317) 494-0239. EMAIL:
Purdue University Research Foundation
Earth Processes Education Program for Teachers(Grades 5-9)
Principle Investigator: Lawrence Braile and GeraldKrockover
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Six EarthScience processes will be addressed during the program. Technologyapplications will be infused for the Earth Sciences in all ofthe topics. Opportunities will be provided for participants toactively participate in field trips, hands-on laboratory experiences,simulations, and constructivist experiences. LOCATION: W. Lafayette, IN. DISCIPLINE: Earth Science. ENROLLMENT: 30. GRADE(S): 5-9. ELIGIBILITY: Teachers inthe states of IN, IL, OH, KY, MI and St. Louis, MO area. DATES: 7/6/97 - 8/1/97 and academic year meetings. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 2/1/97. CONTACT: Gerald Krockover, Purdue UniversityResearch Foundation, Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences,Purdue University, 1397 Civil Building, W. Lafayette, IN 47907-1399. PHONE: (317) 494-5795. EMAIL:
University of Iowa
Science, Parents and Literature: The Science PalsProject
Principle Investigator: James Shymansky
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: Teacherslearn science using children's literature as springboards forhands-on activities. LOCATION: Iowa City, IA. DISCIPLINE: Elementary science. ENROLLMENT: 150. GRADE(S): K-6. ELIGIBILITY: Iowa City Community School DistrictTeachers only. DATES: 6/9/97-6/20/97; Academic year-oneday per month. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: James Shymansky, University of Iowa, 757 Van, Iowa City, IA 52242. EMAIL:
Newman College
Chemkits: Teacher Training and Instrument Sharingfor High Schools
Principle Investigator: David Shubert
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: This workshopprovides training on implementing modern instrumentation intohigh school curricula. Teachers can check out a set of eightinstruments for up to two weeks over the school year. LOCATION: Wichita, KS. DISCIPLINE: Chemistry. ENROLLEMENT: 20. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: Chemistryteachers. DATES: 4 weeks: 7/1/97-7/26/97. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: 4/15/97. CONTACT: David Shubert, NewmanCollege, 3100 McCormick Ave., Wichita, KS 67213. PHONE: (316) 942-4291. FAX: (316) 942-4483. EMAIL:
Northern Kentucky University
Teaching the Science of Psychology: An Institutefor High School Teachers
Principle Investigator: Perilou Goddard
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Projectparticipants will learn how to teach the science of psychologyby learning how to do the science of psychology. With emphasison classroom demonstrations and other active learning methods,the primary topic focus will be on content areas often under-representedin high school courses (research, methods, biological bases ofbehavior, sensation and perception, principles of learning, memory,and cognition). Teachers who attend the institute will receivefree room and board, textbooks and other teaching materials, reimbursementfor one round trip to and from the institute and a $1200 stipend. LOCATION: Highland Heights, KY. DISCIPLINE: Psychology. ENROLLEMENT: 32. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: High school psychology teachers only. DATES: 7/6/97 - 8/1/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5/1/97. CONTACT: Perilou Goddard, Department of Psychology, Northern KentuckyUniversity, Highland Heights, KY 41099-2000. PHONE: (606) 572-5463. FAX: (606) 572-6185. EMAIL:
East Baton Rouge Parish School System
Primarily Physical Science
Principle Investigator: Jennifer Baird
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: The PPSsummer program is designed to provide professional developmentfor K-5 mentor teachers. Topics include physical science, inquiry-basedkit teaching and performance-based assessment. LOCATION: Baton Rouge, LA. DISCIPLINE: Physical science and inquiry-basedteaching. ENROLLMENT: 125. GRADE(S): K-5. ELIGIBILITY: Selected mentor teachers from Baton Rouge schools. DATES: 10 days in July. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Jennifer Baird, Science Resource Center, 4510 Bawell St., BatonRouge, LA 70808. EMAIL:
* Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
LSU SEPUP Implementation Center
Principle Investigator: Shelia Pirkle
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: This projectis meant to build the ability and leadership of physical scienceteachers. The use of hands-on activities in the science classroomas modeled by the use of SEPUP modules is also a major emphasis. The use of alternative assessments standards. CONTACT: Melinda E. Oliver, Louisiana State-Baton Rouge, 107 Peabody Hall,Baton Rouge, LA 70803. PHONE: (504) 388-6001. EMAIL:
Louisiana Tech University
Project LIFE: A Professional Development Modelfor Systemic Reform in Science Education
Principle Investigator: David Radford and LindaRamsey
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: ProjectLIFE is a professional development program for middle grades andhigh school teachers of life sciences and biology. Teachers aretaught by an experienced staff including university scientists,a science educ ator, and a classroom teachers. Teachers experiencehands-on, discovery-first learning and receive materials and follow-upsupport in their classrooms. LOCATION: Nacogdoches, TXand Magnolia, AR. DISCIPLINE: Life sciences. ENROLLEMENT: 60. GRADE(S): 5-10. ELIGIBILITY: Texas andArkansas life sciences teachers. DATES: TX: 6/9/97 -6/20/97 plus 6 days in academic year; AR: 7/7/97 - 7/18/97 plus6 days in academic year. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 4/15/97. CONTACT: David Radford or Linda Ramsey, Project LIFE,Department of Biological Sciences, PO Box 3179 TS, Ruston, LA 71272. EMAIL: or
* Northeast Louisiana University
Driver's Ed. for Teachers Navigating the InformationSuperhighway
Principle Investigator: Virginia JoAnn Eaton
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Participantswill assume graduate assistant positions for 12 months at NLU. Coursework will not only include Internet training by incorporatingthe use of Internet mathematics and science applications intothe classroom, but also education in methodology and leadershiptraining. CONTACT: Virginia JoAnn Eaton, Northeast LouisianaUniversity, Department of Computer Science, Monroe, LA 71209-0575. PHONE: (318) 342-1848. EMAIL:
* American Physiological Society
Frontiers in Physiology: An Enhancement Programfor Teachers
Principle Investigator: Marsha Matyas
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Participantsin the Frontiers Program spend 7-9 weeks doing cutting edge researchin a physiology laboratory. In addition they attend a one weeksummer institute to learn how to translate their research experiencesinto exciting classroom activities. Time away from home is limitedto one week since the research is done with a physiologist inthe teacher's home community. CONTACT: Marsha Matyas,American Physiological Society, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda,MD 20814-3991. PHONE: (301) 530-7132. EMAIL:
* Montgomery County Public Schools
Mathematics Content/Connections
Principle Investigator: L. Odom
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Mathematicscontent courses will be offered to elementary teachers, gradeK-6. Training focuses on strengthening mathematics content knowledgeand instructional strategies to improve teaching of elementarymathematics. CONTACT: Norma B. Mellott, Montgomery CountyPublic Schools, Mathematics Content/Connections Grant, 850 HungerfordDr., Rm. 257, Rockville, MD 20850. PHONE: (301) 279-3372.
* University of Maryland - Baltimore County
Integrating Science Across the Elementary andMiddle School Curriculum
Principle Investigator: E. Wendy Saul
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: The ElementaryScience Integration Project (ESIP) is a collaborative communityin which elementary and middle school teachers investigate connectionsbetween science and other curricular areas, particularly readingand writing. The program consists of a three week summer institutein July, five Saturday meetings over the following school yearand approximately 8 days of workshops the following summer. CONTACT: Barbara Bourne, University of MD - Baltimore County, Departmentof Education, 5401 Wilkens Ave., Baltimore, MD 21228. PHONE: (410) 455-2373. EMAIL:
* Boston College
Implementation of the National Council of Teachersof Mathematics Standards in Discrete Mathematics, Phase II
Principle Investigator: Margaret Kenney
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Twenty-fivemiddle and secondary school mathematics teachers and five collegiatemathematics teacher educators will participate in regional institutes. Participants will be involved in sessions that address five specificcontent areas of discrete mathematics namely social decision making,graph theory, counting and finite probability, matrices, and recursion. Two all day follow-up sessions will take place in the Fall of1996. CONTACT: Margaret Kenney, Boston College, NSF DiscreteMathematics Project, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167. PHONE: (617) 552-3775. EMAIL: Kenney/
* Boston University
Patterns in Nature: A New Approach to InterdisciplinaryScience
Principle Investigator: H. Eugene Stanley
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: The institutesintroduce and prepare teachers to use hands-on activities, computersimulations, and experiments which engage students in cutting-edgeinvestigations developed by research scientists at Boston University. CONTACT: Gerald Abegg, Boston University, 605 CommonwealthAve., Boston, MA 02215. PHONE: (617) 353-4259. EMAIL:
Cambridge Public Schools
Habits of Mind: Science in Cambridge
Principle Investigator: Melanie Barron
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Programprovides staff development to teachers who are implementing hands-oninquiry based science. LOCATION: Cambridge, MA. DISCIPLINE: Life, physical and earth sciences. ENROLLEMENT: undecided. GRADE(S): K-8. ELIGIBILITY: Open to teacherswith experience in hands-on inquiry based science. DATES: 6/30/97 - 8/31/97; workshops vary in length. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: May, 1997. CONTACT: Lea Lewis, ScienceDepartment, 450 Broadway St., Cambridge, MA 02138. PHONE: (617) 349-6792. FAX: (617) 349-6318. EMAIL:
Concord Consortium
International Netcourses Teacher Enhancement Coalition(INTEC)
Principle Investigator: Robert Tinker
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The goalof The International Netcourse Teacher Enhancement Coalition (INTEC)project is to increase the use of student investigations in mathematicsand science at the middle and high school levels by offering anetcourse to a number of schools, in districts committed to substantialreform. The netcourse, more accurately a netseminar, is the equivalentof a three-credit graduate course. It will be delivered over theI nternet. Five distinct topics comprise the netseminar and theyare offered on several different schedule formats. Participatingteachers must have electronic mail and access to full Internetconnections. Visit our web site: LOCATION: Across the Internet. DISCIPLINE: Mathematicsand science. ENROLLEMENT: Varies. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: Teams (4 min.) of secondary mathematicsand science teachers. DATES: Over the course of a year. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: RaymondRose, Concord Consortium, 37 Thoreau St., Concord, MA 01742. PHONE: (508) 369-4367. FAX: (508) 371-0696. EMAIL:
* Education Development Center
Mathematics For Tomorrow
Principle Investigator: Barbara Scott Nelson
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: This projectaims to shift teachers beliefs about the nature of teaching andlearning mathematics and deepen their content knowledge. CONTACT: Barbara Scott Nelson, Education Development Center, 55 ChapelStreet, Newton, MA 02158.
Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School
Math/Science Enhanced Manufacturing TechnologyTraining for Females and Minorities
Principle Investigator: James Amara
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: Part ofa 4-year project to integrate math/science principles with specificmanufacturing areas, i.e., Automation, Electronic Manufacturing,Biomanufacturing and Laser Technology. Project is designed totrain 30 women and/or minority teachers in the area of manufacturing. LOCATION: Lexington, MA. ENROLLMENT: 30. GRADE(S): 7-12. ELIGIBILITY: Math/Science teachers who have alreadybeen selected. DATES: 7/7/97 - 7/26/97. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: James Amara, Minuteman Science-TechnologyHigh School, 758 Marrett Rd., Lexington, MA 02173. PHONE: (617) 861-6500 x396.
Northeastern University
Joint Proposal For The Dissemination of The InteractiveMathematics Program Throughout New England
Principle Investigator: Carla Oblas
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: The InteractiveMathematics Program is a four-year high school curriculum thatreplaces the traditional high school curriculum with twenty problemssolving units that integrate various math topics as needed andis designed to by taught in collaborative groups. LOCATION: New England. DISCIPLINE: Mathematics - algebra I &II, geometry, pre-calculus, probability and statistics, and finitemathematics. ENROLLEMENT: 80 IMP 1 teachers from targetschools. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: New Englandhigh school teachers with school support wishing to implementthe IMP curriculum. Schools wishing to join grant should contactthe New England Regional Office for the Interactive MathematicsProgram through the following contact. DATES: IMP 1 trainingconsist of a 5-day summer workshop plus 6 school year workshops. Teachers attend one of the following dates: 7/7/97-7/11/97;7/14/97-7/18/97; or 8/18/97-8/22/97; filled on a first come, firstserve basis. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 1/31/97. CONTACT: Carla Oblas, Northeastern University, 102 Cahners Hall, 360 HuntingtonAve., Boston, MA 02115. PHONE: (617) 373-2328. EMAIL:
* Northeastern University
Training Leadership Teachers to Enhance ScienceEducation through Experiments and Demonstrations (SEED)
Principle Investigator: Michael Silevitch
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: ProjectSEED, now in its 7th year, is an enhancement program for middleschool science teachers. It is an inquiry/activity-based, integratedscience/mathematics program that focuses on the physical sciences. It accepts teams of teachers that are involved in the systemicchange process spearheaded by the Massachusetts SSI, Project PALMS. CONTACT: Christos Zahopoulos, Northeastern University,716 Columbus Ave., Suite 378, Boston, MA 02120. PHONE: (617) 373-4583.
Sea Education Association, Inc.
Sea Experience: Theoretical and Practical SummerPrograms of Teacher Enhancement in Marine Science
Principle Investigator: Paul Joyce
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Sea Experienceis a challenging summer program for k-12 teachers. Participantsspend the 3-week shore component in Woods Hole studying theoriesin oceanography and participating in a lecture series in NauticalScience and Maritime Studies. Then they go to sea for 10 daysaboard a sailing research vessel and undertake marine scienceresearch. LOCATION: Woods Hole, MA. DISCIPLINE: Marine sciences. ENROLLEMENT: 46. GRADE(S): K-12. ELIGIBILITY: K-12 teachers. DATES: 7/15/97- 8/13/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 2/28/97. CONTACT: Paul Joyce, Office of Admission, Sea Education Association, POBox 6, Woods Hole, MA 02543. PHONE: (800) 552-3633 x770or (508) 540-3954 x770. EMAIL:
* TERC Inc.
LabNet: Creating a National Electronically SupportedCommunity of Practice
Principle Investigator: William Spitzer
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: LabNet isan electronic community for science and math teachers, focusedon supporting inquiry-oriented, project-based learning. LabNetoffers discussions about teaching issues, resource sharing, on-linecollaborative projects and seminars and on-line courses led byexperienced teachers. CONTACT: TERC LabNet, TERC Inc.,2067 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140. PHONE: (617) 547-0430. EMAIL:
* University of Massachusetts - Amherst
The 5C/5E Project: The Five College Educationin the Earth's Environment, Ecology and Energy Project
Principle Investigator: Morton Sternheim
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Graduatesof program in which students engage in classroom research a) helptrain others; b) write reflectively about their experience; planlarger school projects; and d) help other teachers develop computerskills appropriate for research based classrooms. CONTACT: Mary Alice Wilson, University of Massachusetts - Amherst, FiveCollege/Public School Partnership, 97 Spring Street, Amherst,MA 01002. EMAIL:
Midland Pub lic Schools
Midland Public Schools Systemic Change TeacherEnhancement Institute
Principle Investigator: Sarah Lindsey
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The goalsof the project are to: ensure teaching conceptual understanding;develop and understanding of the nature of science inquiry; strengthenteachers' knowledge of basic science concepts, applications, andconnections to other disciplines and use methods of ongoing assessmentof effective teaching and learning. LOCATION: Midland,MI. DISCIPLINE: Life science. ENROLLEMENT: 100. GRADE(S): K-6. ELIGIBILITY: Elementary classroomand guest teachers employed by Midland Public Schools. DATES: 7/28/97-8/8/97 and one day every 6 weeks during the academicyear. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5/31/97. CONTACT: Beverly Curnutt or Sarah Lindsey, Science Resources Center, 815State St., Midland, MI 48640. PHONE: (517) 839-2427. FAX: (517) 839-2508. EMAIL:
* Western Michigan University
Mathematical Sciences Sequential Summer Institutefor High School Mathematics Teachers
Principle Investigator: Christian Hirsch
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: This instituteprovides the opportunity for high school mathematics teachersto pursue intensive study of contemporary mathematics and applicationswhile simultaneously developing as mentors for colleagues. Acohesive sequence of courses offered across three summers arelinked by academic year capstone courses connecting study withclassroom practice. CONTACT: Christian Hirsch, WesternMichigan University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics,Kalamazoo, MI 49008. PHONE: (616) 387-4595. EMAIL:
Education Cooperative Service Unit - Twin Cities
Enhancing Mathematics and Science Teaching byUsing Computational Science
Principle Investigator: Gerald Mansergh
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: EnvisionIt! Computational Science for Teaching and Learning seeks to introducesecondary teachers to the strategies and tools of computationalscience and to support them in developing interdisciplinary lessonsusing computational science. LOCATION: St. Paul, MN. ENROLLMENT: 35. GRADE(S): 8-12. ELIGIBILITY: Selected teachers from St. Paul, Minneapolis Metropolitan Areaof MN. DATES: 7/14/97 - 8/1/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Marilyn Nelson, Metro Education CooperativeService Unit, 3499 Lexington Avenue North, St. Paul, MN 55126. PHONE: (612) 490-0058 x123. EMAIL:
Saint Olaf College
Teachers Empowering Teachers: Vertically-integrated,Inquiry-based Geometry in School Classrooms
Principle Investigator: Richard Allen, Judith Cederberg,Dale Pearson, Martha Wallace
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The St.Olaf Mathematics Department will host a conference on integratinggeometry and visualization into the middle and high school curriculum. Themes of the conference include: 1. exploratory approachesto teaching and learning geometry. 2. teaching geometry in atechnological environment. 3. future of secondary school geometry. 4. geometry and visualization as tools to analyze, interpret,and represent mathematical ideas throughout the secondary curriculum. 5. teachers as change agents. See also the conference web pageat: ENROLLMENT: unlimited. GRADE(S): 6 and up, including college anduniversity. ELIGIBILITY: This is a conference and workshopthat is the final event in a three year project for improvingthe teaching of secondary mathematics, especially through theuse of visualization and geometry. DATES: 6/25/97 - 6/28/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 6/1/97. CONTACT: RichardAllen, Saint Olaf College, Department of Mathematics, 1520 St.Olaf Avenue, Northfield, MN 55057. EMAIL:
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Middle Grades Teacher Enhancement: Model ProgramDevelopment and Evaluation
Principle Investigator: Thomas Post
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: This 3 yearproject will develop and implement a teacher enhancement programfor middle grade teachers that reflects the importance of teacher'sintegrated, mathematical, psychological, and pedagogical contentknowledge. As they attempt to implement NSF middle school curricular(Connected Math, Math in Context, STEM and upper level EverydayMathematics). LOCATION: Minneapolis, MN. DISCIPLINE: Middle grade mathematics - probability & statistics, geometryand number. ENROLLMENT: 35. GRADE(S): 5-8. ELIGIBILITY: Prior enrollment; program began in summer'96. DATES: 6/16/97 - 7/11/97 plus 5-6 days during academicyear. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: ThomasPost, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, Peik Hall, 159 PillsburySt. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. PHONE: (612) 633-1916. EMAIL:
* University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Principle Investigator: Thomas Berger
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: This projectwill provide teacher enhancement and leadership skills for middleand high school mathematics teachers in using NSF-supported mathematicsmaterials in Minneapolis urban classrooms and neighboring districts. High school component will focus on the Interactive MathematicsProgram. CONTACT: Thomas Berger, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN. PHONE: (612) 625-5000. EMAIL:
* University of Southern Mississippi
Building Leadership to Enhance the Teaching ofSecondary School Biology in Mississippi
Principle Investigator: Rosalina Hairston
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: This workshopis an outreach activity of the master teachers to enhance theknowledge and instructional techniques of local teachers on celland molecular biology. CONTACT: Rosalina Hairston, Universityof Southern Mississippi, Box 5087, Hattiesburg, MS 39406. PHONE: (601) 266-4742. EMAIL:
University of Missouri - Columbia
Reshaping Mat hematics in the Middle Grades inMissouri: A Model to Improve Mathematics Curriculum, Teachingand Learning
Principle Investigator: Barbara Reys
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: Collaborativecurriculum investigation and implementation of NSF-developed middleschool mathematics curricula. LOCATION: Lake of the Ozarks,MO. DISCIPLINE: Mathematics. ENROLLMENT: 160. GRADE(S): 5-8. ELIGIBILITY: Project participantsonly. DATES: 6/16/97 - 6/18/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Barbara Reys, University of Missouri -Columbia, 212 Townsend Hall, Columbia, MO 65211. PHONE: (573) 882-8744. FAX: (573) 884-7492. EMAIL:
Bozeman Public Schools, District No. 7
Keystone: A Rural Regional Training Program forExcellence in Science and Technology
Principle Investigator: Myra Miller
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: The KeystoneProject is a five year science and technology rural regional staffdevelopment program that provides support for K-8 teachers inthe reform efforts for excellence in science and technology witha connection to math. Twenty-three school districts make up theconsortium of participating schools. LOCATION: Bozeman,MT. DISCIPLINE: Life and physical sciences. ENROLLEMENT: 275. GRADE(S): K-8. ELIGIBILITY: Keystone identifiedschool districts only. DATES: Week-long: 6/22-27/97,7/14-18/97, 8/11-15/97; 3-day: 7/2-4/97, 7/7-9/97, 8/4-6/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 4/25/97. CONTACT: MyraMiller, 901 S. Black (or 404 W. Main), Bozeman, MT 59715. PHONE: (406) 586-1490 or (406) 585-1500 x1565. EMAIL:
* Montana State University
Chemistry Concept Workshops
Principle Investigator: Arnold Craig
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Chemistryconcept workshops offered by lead secondary teachers and universityfaculty to teachers of chemistry in Montana on a regional basis. Reinforcement and Enhancement of fundamental chemistry conceptsand their presentation via Demo Analysis, Lab Development andDiscussion. CONTACT: Arnold Craig, Montana State University,Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, Bozeman, MT 59717-0340.
* Montana State University
A National Science Teachers Network
Principle Investigator: Gerald Wheeler
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: On-linecourses offered on the Internet during the summer and academicyear. Earn graduate credits without leaving home. CONTACT: Kelly Boyce, Montana State University, National Teachers EnhancementNetwork, 204 Culbertson Hall, Bozeman, MT 59715. PHONE: (406) 994-6683. EMAIL:
* Creighton University
High School Chemistry Teacher Demonstration Workshop.Fast-Track Skills Building for Underprepared Chemistry Teachers
Principle Investigator: Bruce Mattson
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: This workshopis designed for teachers unfamiliar with demonstration techniques,including those in first 5 years of teaching experience. Participantsdevelop a repertoire of fundamental chemistry demonstrations thatare safe, inexpensive and are easy to use. Participants constructdozens of practical chemistry exhibits and visuals. CONTACT: Bruce Mattson, Creighton University, Department of Chemistry,Omaha, NE 68178. PHONE: (402) 280-2278. EMAIL:
* Clark County School District
Mathematics and Science Enhancement
Principle Investigator: P. Kay Carl
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: In the ScienceInquiry Institute, teachers learn science content and processas active learners. Each participant becomes an expert in her/hisarea of investigation. Through follow-up sessions during theschool year, participants work to reshape their own classroomstoward inquiry learning. NOTE: Other summer programs will beavailable, but scheduling is not yet finalized. CONTACT: Linda Gregg, Clark County School District, 851 E. Tropicana,Room 22, Las Vegas, NV 89119. EMAIL:
* St. Paul's School
Conscious Creations: Computers, Minds and Society
Principle Investigator: Janet Ward
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: CONSCIOUSCREATIONS offers NH K-12 teachers an opportunity to combine hands-onComputer Lab experiences in the use of the Internet and WorldWide Web (and creation and use of WWW pages), simulation and neuralnetwork software, with thoughtful study and discussion of theimpact of the computer on our society, particularly on education. CONTACT: Janet Ward, St. Paul's School, The Scientistas Humanist Project, 82 Watchtower Rd, Contoocook, NH 03229. PHONE: (603) 746-4991. EMAIL:
Montclair State University
Great Ideas in Science Consortium: Partners forIntegrated Science Curriculum Reform
Principle Investigator: Jacalyn Willis
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: The GreatIdeas in Science Consortium is a collaboration of Montclair StateUniversity and the districts of East Orange and Jersey City forthe purpose of systemic reform in science education. School teamsparticipate in a 4-week summer institute for basic training ininquiry approaches to teaching followed by classroom visits, follow-upsessions and an Alumni Institute. LOCATION: Upper Montclair,NJ. DISCIPLINE: Science and technology. ENROLLEMENT: 120. GRADE(S): K-8. ELIGIBILITY: LSC participatingdistricts only - Jersey City and East Orange. DATES: 7/1/97 - 7/24/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 2/15/97. CONTACT: Jacalyn Willis, Great Ideas in Science, College of Science &Math, Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NY 07043. PHONE: (201) 655-7753. FAX: (201) 655-4390. EMAIL:
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Revitalizing Science Teaching Using Remo te SensingTechnology II - A Watershed Project
Principle Investigator: Angela Cristini
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Teacherswill be trained to facilitate student projects that will allowthem to study their watersheds. Teachers will learn to enhanceand interpret satellite images of their watersheds and manipulateGeographical Information Systems (GIS) that are used by scientiststhroughout the world to understand environmental data. They willcollect and analyze water quality data from streams in their watershedsand share this information with other schools and the environmentalcommunity using the Internet. LOCATION: Mahwah, NJ. DISCIPLINE: Life, Environmental and Earth Sciences. ENROLLEMENT: 75. GRADE(S): 6-9. ELIGIBILITY: Teacher ofgrades 5-9. DATES: 4 weeks: 6/30/97 - 7/25/97 and fiveSaturdays during the academic year. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 4/15/97. CONTACT: Angela Cristini, Ramapo College ofNJ, Mahwah, NJ 07430. PHONE: (201) 529-7724. EMAIL:
Somerset/Hunterdon Business and Education Partnership
Science Alliance 2
Principle Investigator: Mary Ribeiro
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Teacherparticipants learn how to implement hands-on, consumer relevantscience, math, and technology activities by attending the 6thannual Science Alliance Summer Institute. Activities are developedby teacher/scientist teams for a six county region in New Jersey. Catalogs containing module title, grade levels, and module descriptionsare available by calling (908) 725-6032. LOCATION: Warren,NJ. DISCIPLINE: Science, mathematics and technology. ENROLLMENT: 300. GRADE(S): K-12. ELIGIBILITY: New Jersey educators who teach in Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex,Morris, Somerset and Union counties. DATES: 6/23/97-6/27/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5/15/97. CONTACT: MaryRibeiro, Somerset/Hunterdon Business and Education Partnership,64 West End Ave., PO Box 833, Somerville, NJ 08876-0833. PHONE: (908) 725-6032. FAX: (908) 722-7823. EMAIL:
West Windsor-Plainsborough Regional Schools
Principle Investigator: Linda Walker, Sondra Markmanand Ed Nartowitz
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Each summerinstitute will be arranged on a modular structure. Part A - inquiryscience and Part B - technology and assessment. LOCATION: To be determined. DISCIPLINE: Life, physical and earthsciences. ENROLLEMENT: 200. GRADE(S): K-6. ELIGIBILITY: All K-6 teachers who teach science. DATES: Part A: 7/7/97 - 7/11/97 and Part B: 7/14/97 - 7/18/97. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: 2/3/97. CONTACT: Miriam Robin, 650 S.Broad St., Trenton, NJ 08611. PHONE: (609) 396-2235. FAX: (609) 396-0676.
* Bronx Zoo/Wildlife Conservation Park
Summer Seminars for Secondary School Teachers:Instruction in the Use of Zoological Collections in Teaching Science
Principle Investigator: Annette Berkovits
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: A life sciencecurriculum program for grades 7-10, Project W.I.Z.E.: SurvivalStrategies combines classroom study with the unique resourcesavailable at zoos and other natural history institutions. Thisinterdisciplinary program employs wildlife to teach scientificconcepts and gives teachers and students the opportunity to becomepersonally involved in local and worldwide conservation issues. CONTACT: Rose Baker, Bronx Zoo/Wildlife ConservationPark, Bronx Zoo Education Department, Bronx Zoo, Bronx, NY 10460. PHONE: (800) 937-5131. EMAIL:
Buffalo Museum of Science
TEAM 2000
Principle Investigator: Peter Dow
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: This isa five-year local systemic change project designed to reach 1400K-8 teachers by the year 2000. Emphasis on training to use hands-on,kit-based science materials in Life, Earth & Physical Sciences. Also field trip to "Science Rich" area locations andexposure to scientific expertise of the Museum (Natural History). LOCATION: Buffalo, NY. DISCIPLINE: Life, earthand physical sciences. ENROLLMENT: 500. GRADE(S): preK-8. ELIGIBILITY: TEAM 2000 project participantsonly; possibly others by invitation. DATES: 6/30/97 -8/1/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: undetermined. CONTACT: Cathy Chamberlin, Buffalo Museum of Science, TEAM 2000 ProjectAdministrator, 1020 Humboldt Pkwy, Buffalo, NY 14211. PHONE: (716) 896-5200. EMAIL:
Community School District #6, NY School System
School Based Elementary Science RestructuringProgram
Principle Investigator: John Cafarella
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: Making connectionsbetween inquiry science and module based science curriculum. LOCATION: New York, NY. DISCIPLINE: Science. ENROLLMENT: 40. GRADE(S): K-8. ELIGIBILITY: Community School District #6 teachers only. DATES: 4weeks: July/August, 1997. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 6/10/97. CONTACT: John Cafarella, Community School District #6,NY School System, CSD6, 4360 Broadway, New York, NY 10033. PHONE: (212) 795-8032. EMAIL:
* CUNY City College
The Weatherwatch Leadership Network
Principle Investigator: Martin Marin
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: An instructionalprogram for teachers focusing on atmospheric sciences, weathereducation and the use of interactive telecommunications in theclassroom. CONTACT: Martin Marin, CUNY City College,School of Education R6/207, 138th St. and Convent Ave., New York,NY 11031. PHONE: (212) 650-6226.
* Institute of Ecosystem Studies
SYEFEST: Schoolyard Ecology for Elementary SchoolTeachers
Principle Investigator: Alan Berkowitz
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: SYEFESTfamiliarizes teachers with schoolyard resources and organisms,strengthens skills in inquiry-based science through self-directed,hands-on investigations, and fosters reflective teaching practices. CONTACT: Catherine Corey, Institute of Ecosystem Studies,Box R, Mill brook, NY 12545. PHONE: (914) 677-5358. EMAIL:
* NY Hall of Science
The Science Discovery Lab System: Sustained Enhancementfor In-service Teachers
Principle Investigator: Alan Friedman
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: ScienceDiscovery Lab is a teacher-operated and managed activity areain the museum. The three week summer institute prepares teachersto use the Discovery Lab during visits to the museum in the succeedingschool year. A take-home/rental hit extends the Discovery Labinto the school and classroom. CONTACT: Alan Friedmanor Indira Pooran-Rampersaud, NY Hall of Science, 47-01 111th Avenue,Corona, NY 11368.
University at Albany, State University of NewYork
Science Research in the High School
Principle Investigator: Daniel Wulff
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Participantslearn to teach a three-year Science Research course in which studentspick an area of interest and pursue that interest with the aidof the teacher. In the first year students read and present scientificjournal articles, develop hypotheses, contact expert scientiststo serve as mentors, and find sites for doing their research. In the second year students do their research under the guidanceof their scientist mentors, and in the third year students communicatethe results of their research at local, regional, and nationalscience symposia and competitions. LOCATION: Upstate:University at Albany; Downstate: TBA, but most likely in WestchesterCounty. DISCIPLINE: All disciplines, from experimentalpsychology to physics. ENROLLEMENT: 33. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: Participants must be slated to teachan approved Science Research course at their schools in Fall,1997. Participants must live in a geographic area that allowsthem to attend follow-up sessions at the workshop sites duringthe following academic year. DATES: Upstate: 6/30/97- 7/18/97; Downstate: 7/21/97 - 8/8/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: When workshops are filled. A Project Director must talk witha school administrator to confirm that an approved Science Researchcourse will be taught by the participant in the participant'sschool in Fall, 1997. CONTACT: Dr. Daniel Wulff, Departmentof Biological Sciences, University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY 12222. PHONE: (518) 442-4290. EMAIL:
* Camden County Schools
Computational Training for Teacher Enhancement,Action, and Motivation
Principle Investigator: Carole Smith
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Computationaltraining for teacher enhancement, action and motivation for K-12staff, principals and administrators. CONTACT: LindaMathias, Camden County Schools, 174 North 343, Camden, NC 27921. PHONE: (919) 335-0831.
North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences
Using the Outdoors to Teach Experiential Science(UTOTES)
Principle Investigator: Mary Ann Brittain
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: A week-longresidential program for lead teachers of the 1996-97 UTOTES project. It provides opportunities for learning about school grounds enhancementactivities including: visits to outstanding school sites, explorationof local environments and distance learning programs. Teachersgain more knowledge and confidence in using the outdoors and theyhave the opportunity to network with other outstanding educatorsfrom across the state. LOCATION: Raleigh, NC. DISCIPLINE: Interdisciplinary including biology, ecology, math, botany andothers. ENROLLEMENT: 24. GRADE(S): K-5. ELIGIBILITY: Must be lead teachers participating in year long UTOTES trainingprogram. DATES: 6/16/97-6/20/97 overnight residentialat Blue Jay Point. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Mike Dunn, NC State Museum of Natural Sciences, PO Box 29555,Raleigh, NC 27626-0555. PHONE: (919) 733-7450. FAX: (919) 733-1573.
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
North Carolina Leadership Network for Earth ScienceTeachers
Principle Investigator: Russell Rowlett, GeoffreyFeiss, Paul Hounshell
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: This projectis designed to provide professional development to earth scienceteachers of grades 6-12. The project will develop a network ofprofessionals who will support field-based investigations in earthscience. LOCATION: Appalachian State University, Boone,NC and Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC. ENROLLMENT: 50. GRADE(S): 6-12. ELIGIBILITY: NC earth scienceteachers. DATES: 6/22/97 - 7/12/97; 7/7/97 - 7/25/97respectively. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 4/1/97. CONTACT: Cynthia Copolo, University of NC - Chapel Hill, Center for Mathand Science Education, CB# 3500, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3500.EMAIL:
University of North Carolina - Greensboro
CGI Dissemination For North Carolina
Principle Investigator: George Bright and NancyVacc
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: This isa five-year project to prepare five regional service teams inNorth Carolina to provide teacher enhancement in Cognitively GuidedInstruction principles and techniques in K-3 mathematics in schoolsthroughout the state. The five teams, a total of 30 teachers and10 mathematics educators, will receive 52 days of training inCGI, leadership skills. LOCATION: Greensboro, NC. DISCIPLINE: Mathematics. ENROLLEMENT: N/A. GRADE(S): K-3. ELIGIBILITY: Project participants only. DATES: N/A. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: GeorgeBright, Education - UNCG, Greensboro, NC 27412-5001. PHONE: (910) 334-3439. EMAIL:
Alliance for Education of the Dayton Foundation
The Wright Connection
Principle Investigator: Carl Benner and Sue Elling
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Wright Connectionmatches Miami Valley high school mathematics and science teacherswith mentors at area businesses, industries, government labs,medical centers and universities. Teachers work at host sitesfor several weeks in the summer and then transfer some of thelessons they learn to their students. School Team grants up to$7,500, academic year institutes and ongoing communications withproject team members support teachers' transfe r efforts. LOCATION: Primarily Dayton, OH and surrounding counties. DISCIPLINE: Mathematics and science. ENROLLEMENT: 83. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: Secondary school mathematics andscience teachers from public, private, and parochial schools inthe Western Ohio region. DATES: 7 weeks: 6/16/97 - 8/7/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/31/97. CONTACT: SueRinehart, Project Manager, 2100 Kettering Tower, Dayton, OH 45423. PHONE: (937) 222-2934. FAX: (937) 222-0636. EMAIL:
Case Western Reserve University
Engineering Awareness for High School Teachers(EAHST)
Principle Investigator: Lawrence Badar
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Participantswill be engaged in real-world problem-solving experiences in eachof nine engineering departments (Biomedical, Chemical, Civil,Computer, Electrical, Macromolecular, Mechanical/Aerospace, Materials,and Systems) and will develop related multimedia materials. Purposeis to enable participating teachers to become engineering careerresources to their students and school communities. LOCATION: Cleveland, OH. DISCIPLINE: Engineering. ENROLLMENT: 30. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: Experiencedteachers of high school science or mathematics in Northeast Ohio. DATES: 2 weeks: 7/7/97 - 7/18/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/212/97. CONTACT: Lawrence Badar, Case Western ReserveUniversity, Department of Physics, 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland,OH 44106-7079. PHONE: (216) 368-8779. FAX: (216) 368-4671. EMAIL:
Cleveland Education Fund
Project TEEM (Teacher Enhancement in ElementaryMathematics)
Principle Investigator: Deborah Howard
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: TEEM providesleadership and intensive mathematics content training for teachersin all 80 elementary schools in the Cleveland Public Schools. The intense workshops are conducted by lead teachers with assistancefrom university mathematics professors, a math educator and staffdevelopment consultant. LOCATION: Cleveland, OH. DISCIPLINE: Elementary mathematics. ENROLLEMENT: 185. GRADE(S): K-5. ELIGIBILITY: Project TEEM lead teachers from ClevelandPublic Schools. DATES: 6/16/97 - 7/11/97. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Betty Cunningham, ClevelandEducation Fund, 1422 Euclid Ave., Suite 1550, Cleveland, OH 44115. PHONE: (216) 566-1136. FAX: (216) 566-1230. EMAIL:
Miami University - Middletown
Chemical Aspects of Forensic Science
Principle Investigator: Arlyne Sarquis
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: ChemicalAspects of Forensic Science is designed to provide a basic knowledgeof forensic science and the analytical techniques used in solvingcrimes, as well as suggestions for integrating forensic scienceinto your chemical technology curriculum. Lectures will focuson a review of basic chemistry concepts as they apply to forensicscience. Laboratories will revolve around solving crimes, withparticipants using common analytical techniques employed in forensicanalysis. LOCATION: Adirondack Community College, Queensbury,NY. DISCIPLINE: Chemistry. ENROLLMENT: 24. GRADE(S): 9-12 and college. ELIGIBILITY: Highschool and college teachers. DATES: 6/23/97 - 6/27/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/14/97. CONTACT: LynnHogue, Miami University - Middletown, Center for Chemical Education,4200 East University Blvd., Middletown, OH 45042. PHONE: (513) 727-3421. FAX: (513) 424-4632.
Miami University - Middletown
Industrial Organic Chemistry
Principle Investigator: Arlyne Sarquis
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: This courseexplores industrial organic chemistry through lectures, laboratorysessions, and industry site visits - adding a new dimension tothe traditional organic chemistry curriculum. LOCATION: Oxford, OH. DISCIPLINE: Chemistry. ENROLLMENT: 24. GRADE(S): 9-12 and college. ELIGIBILITY: High school and college teachers. DATES: 7/21/97 - 7/25/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/14/97. CONTACT: LynnHogue, Miami University - Middletown, Center for Chemical Education,4200 East University Blvd., Middletown, OH 45042. PHONE: (513) 727-3421. FAX: (513) 424-4632.
Miami University - Middletown
Seperation Science
Principle Investigator: Arlyne Sarquis
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: This coursewill provide participants with a review of the basic seperationconcepts from filtering and extraction to more advanced techniquessuch as gas chromatography (GC) and high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) and to apply the methods of seperation science to realworld questions. LOCATION: Oxford, OH. DISCIPLINE: Chemistry. ENROLLMENT: 24. GRADE(S): 9-12 andcollege. ELIGIBILITY: High school and college teachers. DATES: 7/7/97 - 7/18/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/14/97. CONTACT: Lynn Hogue, Miami University - Middletown,Center for Chemical Education, 4200 East University Blvd., Middletown,OH 45042. PHONE: (513) 727-3421. FAX: (513)424-4632.
Miami University - Middletown
Teaching Science With Toys: Cultivating Advancementsin Physical Science (TOYS: CAPS)
Principle Investigator: Arlyne Sarquis
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Teachersexplore hands-on, grade level appropriate activities that usetoys as user-friendly scientific tools. These unique teacher-testactivities are used to help students grasp the concepts of chemistryand physics. LOCATION: Oxford, OH. DISCIPLINE: Chemistry and physics. ENROLLMENT: 50. GRADE(S): K-9. ELIGIBILITY: District teams consisting on one administratorand a K-4 and 5-9 teacher. DATES: 6/23/97 - 7/11/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/14/97. CONTACT: LynnHogue, Miami University - Middletown, TOYS, Center for ChemicalEducation, 4200 East University Blvd., Middletown, OH 45042. PHONE: (513) 727-3421. FAX: (513) 424-4632.
Miami University - Middletown
Topics in Biochemistry Technology
Principle Investigator: Arlyne Sarquis
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: This coursewill provide participants with a background in the techniquesus ed in the industrial biotechnology laboratory and an understandingof the concepts behind these techniques. LOCATION: Oxford,OH. DISCIPLINE: Chemistry. ENROLLMENT: 24. GRADE(S): 9-12 and college. ELIGIBILITY: Highschool and college teachers. DATES: 7/14/97 - 7/18/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/14/97. CONTACT: LynnHogue, Miami University - Middletown, Center for Chemical Education,4200 East University Blvd., Middletown, OH 45042. PHONE: (513) 727-3421. FAX: (513) 424-4632.
Miami University - Oxford
Teacher Enhancement in Molecular Biology and RecombinantDNA Technology
Principle Investigator: Jnanendra Bhattacharjee
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: This intensiveDNA workshop includes lectures, discussions, hands-on laboratoryactivities, lesson plans, follow-up activities, a stipend, meals,travel, dormitory expenses and graduate credit. LOCATION: Oxford, OH. ENROLLMENT: 20. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: High School biology teachers. DATES: Two weeks: 6/16/97 -6/27/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/15/97. CONTACT: Jnanendra Bhattacharjee, Miami University- Oxford, Department of Microbiology, Miami University, Oxford,OH 45056. PHONE: (513) 529-4727.
University of Akron
Technology and Invention in Elementary Schools
Principle Investigator: Walter Smith
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Learn toteach invention, technology and problem-solving in elementaryscience. Instruction at University of Akron, Inventure Place: Home of the National Inventors Hall of Fame, Cuyahoga ValleyEnvironmental Education Center and local industries. LOCATION: Akron, OH. DISCIPLINE: Elementary science. ENROLLEMENT: 32. GRADE(S): 3-6. ELIGIBILITY: Teachers ofgrades 3-6 in Akron, Barberton or Canton, OH plus San Felipe andPueblo Pintado, NM. DATES: 4 weeks: 7/7/97-8/1/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/1/97. CONTACT: WalterSmith, University of Akron, 106 Zook Hall, Akron, OH 44325-4205. PHONE: (330) 972-6965. EMAIL:
Catlin Gabel School
Project PHYSLab II
Principle Investigator: Lowell Herr
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: ProjectPHYSLab II is a three-week workshop for teachers to experimentwith current technology designed to help students understand fundamentalconcepts in nature. This computer interfacing project will useWindows and Macintosh computers as the primary platforms for datacollection and analysis. Using motion, force, acceleration, light,sound, temperature, pressure, and other interfacing probes, teacherswill leave the workshop with over thirty ready-to-use laboratoryexperiments and a support system based on a telecommunicationsnetwork that will give teachers the opportunity to exchange curriculummaterials after the workshop is completed. LOCATION: Portland, OR; Omaha, NE; & Palo Alto, CA. DISCIPLINE: Physics. ENROLLEMENT: 60. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: High school teacher who has a contract forthe 1997-98 school year and who is teaching at least one sectionof physics. DATES: 7/7/97-7/25/97 (tentative); 6/23/97-7/11/97;& 7/7/97-7/25/97 respectively. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 2/15/97. CONTACT: Lowell Herr, Catlin Gabel School,8825 SW Barnes Rd., Portland, OR 97225. PHONE: (503)297-1894 x321. EMAIL:
Eastern Oregon State College
Project EMERGE: Ecosystems Management Educationthrough Regional Generative Efforts
Principle Investigator: Michael Jaeger
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The purposeof this project is to help teachers and students shift sciencepedagogy from the traditional transmission model to a distributive,constructivist model. The context of this curricular design andpedagogy is ecosystems management education. The outcomes ofthis project are classrooms where students have an opportunityto ask questions about their environment and pursue their interestthrough developmentally and technologically appropriate research. LOCATION: La Grande, OR. DISCIPLINE: Elementaryand secondary science and interdisciplinary problem solving. ENROLLEMENT: 50. GRADE(S): K-12. ELIGIBILITY: K-12 teachers interested in moving towards goal-based, constructivistcurriculum with ecosystems management as a context. DATES: 3 week summer institute with year long follow up. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: 3/1/97. CONTACT: Michael Jaeger, 1410L Ave., La Grande, OR 97850. PHONE: (541) 962-3682. FAX: (541) 962-5741. EMAIL:
Eugene School District 4J
Integrating Science Concepts
Principle Investigator: Juliet Baxter
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: Projectis designed to enhance the teaching of K-8 science by forminga group of lead teachers who will act as catalysts for their peers. The catalysts will serve as pedagogical and scientific resourcesfor their peers. LOCATION: Eugene, OR. DISCIPLINE: Physical, earth and life sciences. ENROLLEMENT: 65. GRADE(S): K-8. ELIGIBILITY: Eugene 4J schooldistrict K-8 teachers only. DATES: 2 weeks: 6/16/97-6/27/97and one day during the academic year. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 2/1/97 (approximately). CONTACT: Juliet Baxter, InstructionDepartment, Eugene School District 4J, 200 N. Monroe, Eugene,OR 97402. PHONE: (541) 687-3350. EMAIL:
Multnomah County School District No. 1
Cross-Curricular Systems Thinking & DynamicUsing STELLA: Project CC-STADUS
Principle Investigator: Diana Fisher and RonaldZaraza
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Teachersneed to build models to understand fully the dynamics of a systemunder study. CC-SUSTAIN provides model building experiences inan interdisciplinary (math-science-social science) environmentusing STELLA software. Teachers are required to apply the systemsconcepts and use STELLA models in their classrooms. LOCATION: Portland, OR. DISCIPLINE: Math (algebra - calculus),science (physical science - physics), social science (politicalissues), health, and economics. ENROLLMENT: 40. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: Teachers who can commute to the trainingin Portland or who can pay for own room, board or transportation(except designated satellite schools). Teams from a school/districtare given preference. DATES: 12 days: tentatively 6/17/97- 7/2/97 and 3 Saturdays in the 1997-98 academic year. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: 4/15/97. CONTACT: Diana Fisher, FranklinHigh School, 5405 SE Woodward St., Portland, OR 97206. PHONE: (503) 916-5140. FAX: (503) 916-2694. EMAIL:
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science
Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering forRural and Remote Areas
Principle Investigator: Gail Whitney
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Monitor10-15 High School Apprentices at various mentor sites. Help runtwo conferences. Write summary reports. CONTACT: SteveBaker, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science, Saturday Academy,PO Box 91000, Portland, OR 97291. PHONE: (503) 690-1395. EMAIL: SCBAKER@ADMIN.OGI.EDU.
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
BISCITS: Biotechnology Initiative for SystemicChange in the Teaching of Science
Principle Investigator: Edward Zielinski
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Participantslearn how to implement biotechnology activities in their classroomsusing discovery/inquiry formats. They can earn four credits ofgraduate coursework for participation. As part of BISCITS outreach,they must conduct inservices within their school districts andintermediate units to disseminate favorite activities and methodsof implementation to their peers. LOCATION: Clarion,PA. DISCIPLINE: Life sciences. ENROLLEMENT: 24. GRADE(S): 5-12. ELIGIBILITY: Pennsylvaniaresidents, first priority; middle-level life science, secondarybiology and chemistry. DATES: 7/7/97 - 8/1/97. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: 5/15/97. CONTACT: Edward Zielinski, BISCITSPI, Special Projects Building, Clarion University of Pennsylvania,Clarion, PA 16214. PHONE: (814) 226-2700. EMAIL:
Dickinson College
Teaching Introductory Physics Using InteractiveTeaching Methods and Computers
Principle Investigator: Priscilla Laws
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The seminarwill focus on helping participants gain exposure to new teachingmethods based on research in physics education and experiencewith the comprehensive use of Macintosh and MS Windows tools inintroductory physics. The program will draw from the work ofseveral related projects including Workshop Physics, Toolsfor Scientific Thinking, RealTime Physics and SpreadsheetPhysics. LOCATION: Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA. DISCIPLINE: Physics. ENROLLEMENT: 30. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: High school physics teachers whocurrently teach or are scheduled to teach physics with a yearof the workshop. DATES: 6/15/97 - 6/27/97. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: 3/14/97. CONTACT: Gail Oliver, DickinsonCollege, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Box 1773, Carlisle,PA 17013. PHONE: (717) 245-1845. FAX: (717)245-1642. EMAIL:
Franklin Institute
Commonwealth Excellence in Science Teaching Alliance(CESTA)
Principle Investigator: Kenneth Schroder
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: This isa residential summer leadership institute which features hands-onprocess skills, alternative assessments, judging impact on students,teachers in a leadership role and systemic change. The schooldistrict must commit support for three years as participants shareinformation and training with other middle school teachers. LOCATION: Messiah College, Grantham, PA. DISCIPLINE: IntegratedProcess Science. ENROLLEMENT: 40. GRADE(S): 5-9. ELIGIBILITY: PA middle school science teachers. DATES: 3 weeks in '97: 7/7/97-7/25/97; 2 weeks in '98in July and follow-up during the school year. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: 3/1/97. CONTACT: Kenneth Schroder, 6596Groveland Rd., Pipersville, PA 18947. PHONE: (888) 487-8428. FAX: (215) 297-9909. EMAIL:
* Lebanon Valley College
Science Education Partnership for South CentralPennsylvania
Principle Investigator: Allan Wolfe
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: TeacherEducation in hands-on science for teachers grades K-8. CONTACT: Marla W. Jones, Lebanon Valley College, Science Education Partnership,Annville, PA 17003. PHONE: (717) 867-6190. EMAIL:
Temple University
FINDING A WAY: Reaching Young Women of DiverseEthnic and Racial Backgrounds in Geography
Principle Investigator: Rickie Sanders
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The FindingA Way Project will bring 30 geography/social studies teachersof grades 7-11 to San Diego State University, San Diego, CA foran intensive 17 day institute to enhance their abilities to improvethe classroom climate for girls and other underrepresented groupsin geography. Innovative strategies will be modeled and geographiccontent examined for gender and cultural sensitivity. LOCATION: San Diego, CA. DISCIPLINE: Geography/social studies. ENROLLMENT: 30. GRADE(S): 7-11. ELIGIBILITY: Geography/Social Studies teachers of grades 7-11 in the Westernhalf of the US. DATES: 7/13/97 - 7/29/97. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: 4/1/97. CONTACT: Rickie Sanders, TempleUniversity, Department of Geography and Urban Studies, 317 GladfeltesHall (025-26), Philadelphia, PA 19122. EMAIL:
University of Pennsylvania
Penn-Merck Collaborative for the Enhancement ofScience Education
Principle Investigator: Teresa Pica, Nancy Streim,and Carlo Parravano
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The Penn-Merckproject is a teacher enhancement program that aims to do the following: to enhance elementary teachers' knowledge of science and strategiesfor teaching science; to stimulate students' learning of science;and to motivate students toward science learning and science-orientedcareers. LOCATION: Philadelphia, PA. ENROLLMENT: 64. GRADE(S): K-4. ELIGIBILITY: K-4 publicschool teachers from the Philadelphia area. DATES: 3weeks: 7/8/97 - 8/26/97 and one 2-hr session every 3 weeks inacademic year. APPLICATION DEADLINE: March, 1997. CONTACT: Jane Horwitz, University of Pennsylvania, Penn-Merck Program,Graduate School of Education, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6216. PHONE: (215) 898-6299. EMAIL:
* University of Scranton
Advanced High School Economics Institute
Principle Investigator: Edward Scahill
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Teacherswill be trained to teach advanced placement courses in Economics- Summer 1995 - training was given in principles of microeconomics. CONTACT: Edward Scahill, University of Scranton, Scranton,PA 18510-4602. PHONE: (717) 941-4187. EMAIL:
Brown University
Math/Science Fellows: Restructuring Mathematicsand Science in Essential Schools
Principle Investigator: Mary Hibert Neuman
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The two-weekinstitute offers teachers with the opportunity to examine theirpedagogical knowledge, beliefs, and practice. Through the useof investigations, teachers become learners constructing theirown knowledge and gaining insights into their own thought processes. Working in school teams, participants explore techniques anddevelop materials to take home, refine, test, and implement duringthe school year. LOCATION: Providence, RI. DISCIPLINE: Science and mathematics. ENROLLMENT: 80. GRADE(S): 5-12. ELIGIBILITY: Schools involved with the schoolreform programs. DATES: two 2-week sessions: 6/30/97-7/12/97and 7/13/97-7/24/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5/16/97. CONTACT: Linda Shulenburg, Annenberg Institute for SchoolReform, Box 1985, Providence, RI 02912. PHONE: (401)863-3608. FAX: (401) 863-1290. EMAIL:
Rhode Island College
The KITES Project (Kits In Teaching ElementaryScience)
Principle Investigator: MacGregor Kniseley
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: The KITESproject is a 5-year local systemic change project. The projectprovides 600 K-6 teachers from 52 schools with at least 100 hoursof professional development and resources necessary to deliverexemplary inquiry-centered science instruction to more than 12,000students. The project links teacher preparation programs withK-12 education and it allows teachers to work with academic andindustry scientists and engineers in order to teach science moreeffectively. LOCATION: Providence, RI. DISCIPLINE: Life, physical and earth sciences and technology. ENROLLEMENT: 425. GRADE(S): K-6. ELIGIBILITY: K-6 teachersfrom eight communities served by the East Bay Educational Collaborative. DATES: 6/23/96-6/27/96; 1/8/97-1/11/97; and 4 after schoolmeetings. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Deborah Newell, The KITES Project, HM146, Rhode Island College,Providence, RI 02908. PHONE: (401) 456-8557. EMAIL:
Clemson University
Statistics Leaders in the Palmetto State
Principle Investigator: John Luedeman
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Participantswill be taught probability and statistics using an activity basedexploratory approach. Instructors are classroom teachers witha minimum of two years experience teaching probability and statisticsusing workshop activities. Special attention will be given toways to integrate these activities into regular mathematics andscience classes. LOCATION: Various sites throughout SCto include Columbia, Latta, Summerville, and Jasper County. DISCIPLINE: Statistics and probability. ENROLLEMENT: 300. GRADE(S): 7-12. ELIGIBILITY: Mathematics and science teachersteaching in South Carolina. DATES: Various dates throughoutthe summer. Each program duration is for two consecutive weeks. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 4/15/97. CONTACT: JohnLuedeman, Center of Excellence in Mathematics and Science Education,M 305 Martin Hall, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-1990. EMAIL:
Tennessee State University
Metro Nashville Public Schools Systemic InitiativeTo Improve Science Achievement For All Students
Principle Investigator: Barbara Nye
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: STC, INSIGHTS,and FOSS module training will be offered all summer. Other trainingfor school facilitators will be offered but had not yet been scheduled. LOCATION: Nashville, TN. DISCIPLINE: Elementaryscience. ENROLLEMENT: 800. GRADE(S): K-6. ELIGIBILITY: Project participants only. DATES: Ongoing throughoutthe summer. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Barbara Nye, Executive Director, Tennessee State University,330 10th Avenue N., PO Box 141, Nashville, TN 37203-3401. PHONE: (615) 963-7231. FAX: (615) 963-7214. EMAIL:
Baylor College of Medicine
Harris County Alliance for Science, Mathematicsand Technology Education
Principle Investigator: Nancy P. Moreno
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Projectprovides an intensive four-week summer course in elementary scienceand the integration of science with mathematics and technologyinstruction. Teachers interact with scientists, science educators,master teachers and technology specialists. Support is providedto participating schools and teachers throughout the school year. LOCATION: Houston, TX. DISCIPLINE: Elementaryscience integrated with mathematics and applications of computing. ENROLLEMENT: 72. GRADE(S): K-6. ELIGIBILITY: K-6 teachers from participating partner schools in the Houston,Galena Park and North Forest Independent School Districts (Houston,TX). DATES: 6/9/97 - 7/3/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5/1/97. CONTACT: Nancy Moreno, Division of School-BasedPrograms, Baylor College of Medicine, 1709 Dryden, Suite 545,Houston, TX 77030. PHONE: (713) 798-8200. EMAIL:
* Texas A&M University Engineering ExperimentStation
Texas Regional Enhancement Program for UnderpreparedPhysics Teachers (PEP)
Principle Investigator: Robert Beck Clark
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: A modelthree year teacher enhancement program of summer workshops andacademic year follow-up workshops for Texas high school physicsteachers whose academic training includes no more than 8 semesterhours of college level physic or engineering courses. CONTACT: Robert Beck Clark , Texas A&M University, Department of Physics,College Station, TX 77843-4242. PHONE: (409) 845-3332. EMAIL:
* Texas A&M University Engineering ExperimentStation
Texas Regional Enhancement Program for UnderpreparedPhysical Science Teachers (PEP)
Principle Investigator: Robert Beck Clark
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: A modelthree year teacher enhancement program of summer and academicyear workshops to prepare a cadre of outstanding Texas PhysicalScience Teachers to present teacher enhancement workshops. CONTACT: Robert Beck Clark, Texas Engineering Experiment Station, Departmentof Physics, College Station, TX 77843-4242. PHONE: (409)845-3332. EMAIL:
Texas A&M University - Main Campus
Texas Biotechnology Teacher Enhancement Project
Principle Investigator: Robert James
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: A one weekupdate session for teachers who have participated in one of 4BTEP Summer Institutes (1993-1996), particularly those teachersin the first 3 institutes. Sessions will include an update oflab skills and new activities for incorporating biotechnologyinto the high school classroom, as well as Internet training. This is the culminating session of a 4 year project. LOCATION: College Station, TX. DISCIPLINE: Biology I and agriculturalscience. ENROLLMENT: 32. GRADE(S): 9-12. ELIGIBILITY: Participants of previous BTEP summer institutes. DATES: 6/9/97-6/13/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/15/97. CONTACT: Jeannine Kantz, Texas A&M - Main Campus, EDCI, College Station,TX 77843-4232. PHONE: (409) 862-4935. EMAIL:
Texas A&M University - Main Campus
FIRST STEP Federal Laboratories' Involvement inResearch in Science and Technology for Science Teacher EnhancementProject
Principle Investigator: Robert K. James
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The purposeof FIRST STEP is to help middle level (grades 5-9) science teachersto implement experience-based learning in their classrooms. Itwill build partnerships between area schools and USDA-AgriculturalResearch Service (ARS) Laboratories in Arkansas, New Mexico, Oklahomaand Texas. Teachers have the opportunity to work with/alongsidea research scientist for three weeks and to jointly develop aresearch unit for their students to complete. LOCATION: 2 weeks at Texas A&M, College Station, TX; 3 weeks at localUSDA/ARS lab site in TX, NM, AR or OK. DISCIPLINE: Environmental,life, biological, agricultural and ecological sciences. ENROLLMENT: 30. GRADE(S): 5-9. ELIGIBILITY: Grades 5-9science teachers in TX, OK, AR and NM who teach within approximately75 miles of a USDA/ARS research facility. DATES: 2 weeksat local USDA/ARS - 6/2/97-6/13/97; 2 weeks at Texas A&M -6/15/97-6/27/97; 1 week at local USDA/ARS - 6/30/97-7/3/97. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: As soon as possible. CONTACT: Robert K.James, Texas A&M - Main Campus, EDCI, College Station, TX 77843-4232. PHONE: (409) 845-0825. FAX: (409)845-9663. EMAIL:
University of Dallas
C3P Comprehensive Conceptual Curriculum For Physics
Principle Investigator: Richard Olenick
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: C3P symbolizesthe Comprehensive Conceptual Curriculum for Physics - a new curriculumthat integrates video-based, inquiry-based and lab-oriented materialswith an effective pedagogy that promotes student explorationsand that is based on findings from current research in students'preconceptions. The mission of the project is to produce a comprehensiveconceptually based physics curriculum for all high schools, useableby all teachers, and effective with all students. Visit our homepage: LOCATION: Nationwide. DISCIPLINE: Physics. ENROLLEMENT: 16 per site. GRADE(S): 9-11. ELIGIBILITY: Science teachers only. DATES: Academic year - one day per month. APPLICATION DEADLINE: May, 1997. CONTACT: Richard Olenick, University of Dallas,1845 E. Northgate Dr., Irving, TX 75062. PHONE: (972)721-5313 or (800) 526-8472. FAX: (972) 721-5052. EMAIL: ALTERNATE CONTACT: Kelly Woods,University of Dallas. PHONE: (972) 721-4001. EMAIL:
University of Texas - American AstronomicalSociety
American Astronomical Society TeacherResource Agents (A-ASTRA)
Principal Investigator: Mary Hemenway
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: The goal of the summer institute is to increase the astronomyknowledge and experiences of the most successful AASTRA agentsand to provide them with more leadership experiences; agentswho have demonstrated commitment to AASTRA and those who can especiallyimpact their local or regional educational systems will receivepriority. LOCATION: Austin, TX. DISCIPLINE: Astronomy. ENROLLMENT: 20. GRADE(S): K-12. ELIGIBILITY: Current AASTRA members only. DATES:3 weeks: 7/7/97 -7/26/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/1/97. CONTACT: Mary Hemenway, American Astronomical SocietyEducation Office, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712-1083. PHONE: (512) 471-6503. EMAIL:
* National Gardening Association
Growing Science Inquiry
Principle Investigator: Douglas Harris
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: The GrowingScience Inquiry Program is an emerging staff development modelfor supporting Inquiry Teaching with plants as the context. Apartnership consisting of lead teachers and a site coordinatorin a school district; a local horticultural partner; and NationalGardening Association staff participate in intensive summer institutesfor three years. The partners then implement a site-based staffdevelopment plan based on local priorities and needs. CONTACT: Douglas Harris, National Gardening Association, 180 Flynn Avenue,Burlington, VT 05401. PHONE: (802) 863-1308 ext. 30. EMAIL:
Saint Michael's College
Vermont Rivers Teacher Enhancement Project
Principle Investigator: Arthur Hessler
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No
DESCRIPTION: Aquaticbiolo gy, integrated, interdisciplinary; integrates content ofdisciplines in an interdisciplinary setting with extensive follow-up. For scientists and non-scientists in teams of 2-4. LOCATION: Colchester, VT. DISCIPLINE: Integrated science, mathematicsand technology. ENROLLMENT: N/A. GRADE(S): 5-10. ELIGIBILITY: No new participants, beginning follow-upyear. DATES: N/A. APPLICATION DEADLINE: N/A. CONTACT: Arthur Hessler, Saint Michael's College, AssociateDean of the College, Colchester, VT 05439. EMAIL:
The Network Inc.
Continuous Assessment in Science Education
Principle Investigator: Robert Prigo, Greg Humphrey,and Maura Carlson
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: StatewideInstitute in "Everyday" science assessment in partnershipwith Vermont's SSI project, Modeling Continuous AssessmentStrategies as a Vehicle for Teacher and Student Development ofInquiry-based Physics Concepts, K-8. LOCATION: Burlington,VT. DISCIPLINE: Physics. ENROLLEMENT: TBA. GRADE(S): K-8. ELIGIBILITY: Vermont K-8 teachers. DATES: TBA. APPLICATION DEADLINE: TBA. CONTACT: Gregg Humphrey, CASP, Trinity College, Burlington, VT 05901. PHONE: (802) 658-3664. FAX: (802) 658-7435. EMAIL:
American Statistical Association
Science Education and Quantitative Literacy
Principle Investigator: Jeff Witmer
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: Workshopto emphasize the rise of data analysis to make the laboratoryexperience more interesting and useful to students of integratedscience, biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, and generalscience for grades 6-12. LOCATION: John Carroll University,Ohio and Wesleyan University, CT. DISCIPLINE: Science. ENROLLEMENT: 45. GRADE(S): 6-12. ELIGIBILITY: Science or math teachers and/or supervisors. DATES: 2 weeks: 7/21/97 - 8/1/97 and 3 weeks: 7/7/97 - 7/25/97 respectively. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/15/97. CONTACT: CathyCrocker, American Statistical Association, 1429 Duke St., Alexandria,VA 22314. PHONE: (703) 684-1221. EMAIL:
* National Science Teachers Association
A National Teacher Enhancement/Implementationand Evaluation Project for Grades 9-10 Scope, Sequence, and Coordinationin Science
Principle Investigator: Bill Aldridge
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Tenth gradeSS&C teachers will review and test tenth grade micro unitsfor implementation in pilot schools. CONTACT: Bill Aldridge,National Science Teachers Association, 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington,VA 22201. PHONE: (703) 312-9256. EMAIL:
* National Science Teachers Association
Principle Investigator: Arnold Strassenburg
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: This projectfeatures solar radiation, atmosphere oceans and landforms whichdetermine climate regions; introduces and expands upon conceptsof populations and ecosystems; and discusses various forms ofenergy. Instructional materials which reflect the vision of theNational Science Education Standards will be introduced. CONTACT: Erma Anderson, National Science Teachers Association, 1840 WilsonBlvd., Arlington, VA 22201-3000. PHONE: (703) 312-9256. EMAIL:
* Old Dominion University
VANT Outreach Program
Principle Investigator: Marcia Tharp
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: The VANTLeadership Institute is designed to train technology specialistsin the field of math and science to use an integrated approachthat incorporates cutting-edge technology into the classroom beforeit becomes obsolete. In particular, teachers learn strategiesfor using the TI-83 graphing calculator, the calculator basedlaboratory, and the TI-92 Math Lab during integrated Math/Sciencelessons. Participants attend 3 in-depth follow-up workshops andwork on creating teacher friendly materials that use cutting-edgetechnology with a reading to learn focus. CONTACT: MarciaTharp, Old Dominion University, Darden College of Education, Room244 - Education Bldg., Norfolk, VA 23529. PHONE: (804)683-3283. EMAIL:
* Eastern Washington University
Restructuring Elementary School Science
Principle Investigator: Robert Gibbs
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: This projectis in its final stage of implementing an activity-based scienceprogram in elementary schools in Spokane, WA. CONTACT: Robert Gibbs, Eastern Washington University, Physics DepartmentMS 68, Cheney, WA 99004-2431. PHONE: (509) 359-7469. EMAIL:
Edmonds School District
Restructuring Mathematics for Understanding
Principle Investigator: Jack Dale
Accepting Applications for New Participants: No.
DESCRIPTION: While engagedin rich mathematical investigations, teachers are able to constructmeaning, thereby enhancing their own understanding. They alsoobserve and model instructional strategies, discuss issues aroundthe process of change and create plans to improve student learning. LOCATION: Lynnwood, WA. DISCIPLINE: Mathematics. ENROLLEMENT: as space permits. GRADE(S): PreK-8. ELIGIBILITY: District teachers and participating privateschools only. Summer program is a possibility. DATES: undecided. APPLICATION DEADLINE: until session is full. CONTACT: Beth Black, 20420 68th Ave. W., Lynnwood,WA 98036-7400. PHONE: (206) 670-7196. FAX: (206) 670-7123. EMAIL:
* Highline School District
Science is BASIC (Bridging Assessment into ScienceInstruction and Curriculum)
Principle Investigator: Nancy Angello
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Scienceis BASIC' offers a series of three courses that link assessment,curriculum and instruction in the elementary science classroom. CONTACT: Nancy Angello Susan Wood Megrey, Highline SchoolDistrict, 15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW, Seattle, WA 98166. PHONE: (206) 433-2458. EMAIL:
Seattle Public School System
Hands-On Science In Seattle Public Schools, K-5
Principle Investigator: Arlene Ackerman
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: This projectwill deepen the understanding of the programs and practices thatare fostering science education reform in America. Participantswill become familiar with student methodologies in science instructionwith the context of contemporary scientific and learning theoriesembedded in exemplary science curricula. Challenges associatedwith the achievement and participation of underserved groups willbe explored. LOCATION: Seattle, WA. DISCIPLINE: Earth and physical sciences. ENROLLEMENT: 300. GRADE(S): K-5. ELIGIBILITY: Teachers of science and principalsof schools. DATES: One week each: June and August, 1997. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3/1/97. CONTACT: JoanAbdallah, Partnership for Inquiry-based Science, 815 Fourth Ave.North, Mailstop AA-303, Seattle, WA 98109-1116. PHONE: (206) 298-7060. FAX: (206) 298-7179. EMAIL:
* University of Washington
Washington Initiative in Science Education-ScienceTeacher Enhancement Project
Principle Investigator: Carole Kubota
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: We willrun leadership conference of WISE-STEP teachers only. CONTACT: Carole Kubota, University of Washington, 122 Miller Hall, Box355600, Seattle, WA 98195-3600.
Washington State University
Teacher Institute for Science/Mathematics EducationThrough Engineering Experiences
Principle Investigator: Richard Zollars
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: A six-weekinstitute during which teachers will learn about engineering byinvolvement in ongoing projects in the college. This also strengthensscience and mathematics skills through their application in theengineering projects. ENROLLMENT: 20. GRADE(S): 6-12. ELIGIBILITY: Mathematics and science teachersof grades 6-12. DATES: 6/23/97 - 8/2/97. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: 2/1/97. CONTACT: Richard Zollars, WashingtonState University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Pullman,WA 99164-2710. PHONE: (509) 335-4332. EMAIL:
* Western Washington University
Operation Physics Outreach
Principle Investigator: James Stewart
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: Selectedteachers in participating districts take 3 summers of instructionthen provide training for others. Program integrates physics,writing, use of computers. CONTACT: James Stewart, WesternWashington University, Physics Department, Mail Stop 9064, Bellingham,WA 98225. EMAIL:
West Virginia University
The West Virginia K-12 Ruralnet
Principle Investigator: Randall Wiesenmayer
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The purposeof the West Virginia K-12 Ruralnet project is to develop an on-linecommunity of 1640 elementary and secondary science/math teacherswho use the Internet to plan and deliver quality instruction thatis congruent with West Virginia's newly adopted science curriculumframework. The project is designed to investigate the effectivenessof project-initiated activities in enabling k-12 science/mathteachers to use Internet resources to enhance science instruction. LOCATION: 20 sites in West Virginia. DISCIPLINE: Science/math (content related to watershed monitoring). ENROLLEMENT: 400. GRADE(S): K-12. ELIGIBILITY: West Virginiascience/math teachers. DATES: 6/24-28/97; 7/8-12/97;7/15-19/97; 7/22-26/97; 7/29/97 - 8/2/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5/1/96. CONTACT: Randall Wiesenmayer, WVU, College ofHuman Resources & Education, 803 Allen Hall, PO Box 6122,Morgantown, WV 26506. PHONE: (304) 293-7022 x1815. FAX: (304) 293-7565. EMAIL:
* University of Wisconsin - Madison
Summer Institute Core, Outreach and MultiplierProgram for Genetics Education
Principle Investigator: Raymond Kessel
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: The WisconsinTeacher Enhancement Programs in Biology (WTEB) provides a continuumof continuing education for K-12 science teachers, providing awarenessand professional enrichment, background and update in contentand new pedagogy, research and development of instructional resources,teacher leadership and dissemination. CONTACT: Ruth Owens,University of Wisconsin - Madison, Rm. 104 Genetics Bldg., 445Henry Mall, Madison, WI 53706. PHONE: (608) 262-1006. EMAIL:
* University of Wisconsin - Madison
International Conference on Cost-Effective ScienceEducation
Principle Investigator: John Moore
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: This workshop/conferencewill provide a platform for scientists, educators, and studentsto examine and validate materials that make hands-on science availableat minimal cost. To capture and disseminate this state-of-theart set of materials, we will produce a conference proceedings,publish it, and distribute it worldwide. CONTACT: AmyHuseth, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Institute for ChemicalEducation, 1101 University Ave., Madison, WI 53706. PHONE: (800) 991-5534. EMAIL:
* University of Wisconsin - River Falls
Physical Science Institutes for K-3 Teachers
Principle Investigator: Marilyn Duerst
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: During summerworkshops teachers will explore, critique and compare six hands-onscience curricula. During the first academic year they will tryout modules in their own classrooms and during the second yearlead inservices for the rest of the K-3 staff in their schools. CONTACT: Marilyn Duerst, University of WI-River Falls,Chemistry Department, 410 S. 3rd Street, River Falls, WI 54022-5001. PHONE: (715) 425-3654. EMAIL:
* University of Wisconsin - River Falls
Inservice Program in Biotechnology for SecondaryLife Science and Agriculture Education Teachers
Principle Investigator: Karen Klyczek
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: A varietyof concepts, applications, techniques, and issues related to biotechnologyare covered. Emphasis is on classroom implementation and thedevelopment of classroom activities. CONTACT: Karen KlyczekKaren Klyczek, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, Biology Department,410 S. 3rd Street, River Falls, WI 54022. PHONE: (715)425-3364. EMAIL:
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
Using Polymers to Link the Sciences to Each Otherand to Our World: Innovation in the K-12 Curriculum
Principle Investigator: John Droske
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: This projectallowed establishment of the Macromolecular Teacher Resource Institute(MaTR, pronounced "matter") at UW-SP. The institutefocuses on enhancing science education by facilitating the incorporationof polymer topics into the K-12 curriculum. Workshops for grades9-12 and 6-9 teachers were offered in 1995 and 1996 respectively. The summer 1997 workshop will be for teachers of grades K-6. LOCATION: Stevens Point, WI. DISCIPLINE: Elementaryscience. ENROLLEMENT: 24. GRADE(S): K-6. ELIGIBILITY: K-6 teachers only. DATES: 7/13/97 - 8/1/97. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: 3/29/97. CONTACT: Patricia Guyant, POLYEDNational Information Center, Chemistry Department, Universityof Wisconsin - Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI 54481.
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
Inservice Teacher Training in Environmental Education
Principle Investigator: Richard Wilke
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The UW-StevensPoint Summer Environmental Education Institute offers over 20university credit courses during the 8-week summer semester. Course length varies from one week to two weeks. All of the coursesoffered can be applied to a Master of Science degree in EnvironmentalEducation for Elementary and Secondary Teachers. LOCATION: Stevens Point, WI. DISCIPLINE: Sciences, Social Studies,Agriculture, History, Philosophy, Economics, Natural Resources. ENROLLEMENT: unlimited. GRADE(S): K-12+. ELIGIBILITY: Summer MS degree program - licensed teachers only; Summer Institutecourses - any educator. DATES: 8 weeks: 6/15/97 - 8/7/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Summer MS program - 1/27/97 andSummer Institute courses - 6/1/97. CONTACT: Anne L. Green,WI Center for Environmental Education, 4th Floor LRC,University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI 54481. PHONE: (715) 346-4176. FAX: (715) 346-3025. EMAIL: agreen@uwsp.educ.
Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
Project FIRST TWO Field Involvement: Researchby Science Teachers Teams/Water/Ozone
Principle Investigator: Gary Lake
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: FIRST IIis designed to increase the content and understanding of the natureof science through field research. Participants attend threegroup sessions to enhance content background, discuss and identifyresearch topic and procedures, and receive training in researchand skills and selection of mentors. During the summer, participantswork individually and/or as part of one or more teams (water qualityissues or ozone monitoring) on the research project under thedirection of mentor scientists. LOCATION: Locally andgroup sessions in Madison, Milwaukee, and Pigeon Lake, WI. ENROLLMENT: 35. GRADE(S): K-12. ELIGIBILITY: Wisconsinresidents only. DATES: March, individually throughoutthe summer, 4 days in August, and 3 days in October. APPLICATIONDEADLINE: Until full; applications received by 2/14/97 willreceive priority. CONTACT: Gary Lake, Wisconsin Academyof Science Arts, 1922 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53705. PHONE: (608) 263-1692. FAX: (608) 265-3039. EMAIL:
Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
Project FEST: Field Institutes for ElementarySchool Teachers
Principle Investigator: LeRoy Lee
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: This projectis designed to increase the quantity and quality of field-basedscience experiences for elementary students in Wisconsin by providingfield opportunities, networking, and a resource center for elementaryschool teachers and principals. Participants will expand theirsubject matter foundation in field ecology and field earth sciencethrough attending six field sessions, and learn skills necessaryto develop local field experience modules. Project staff willwork with participants and LOCATION: Throughout Wisconsin. ENROLLMENT: 37. GRADE(S): 3-5. ELIGIBILITY: Wisconsin elementary teachers chosen as school teams (max. 5members per team). DATES: Varies. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Varies. CONTACT: Page Marie Keck, Wisconsin Academyof Sciences, Arts and Letters, 1922 University Avenue, Madison,WI 53705-4099. PHONE: (608) 263-1692. FAX: (608) 265-3039. EMAIL:
Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
Wisconsin Academy Staff Development Initiative
Principle Investigator: Julie Stafford
Accepting Applications for New Participants: Yes
DESCRIPTION: The purposeof the Lead Teacher Institute is to help teachers learn how toassume effective leadership in the improvement of mathematics,science and technology education in Wisconsin. Participants willgain an understanding of the curriculum standards, staff developmentstrategies and leadership skill to bring about needed changes. LOCATION: Various locations in Wisconsin. DISCIPLINE: Science, mathematics and technology education. ENROLLMENT: 2000. GRADE(S): K-12. ELIGIBILITY: Wisconsinteachers only. DATES: Cray, Southwest, Washburn, &John Muir: 7/28/97-8/1/97; Einstein: 8/11/97-8/15/97; SallyRide: 8/4/97-8/8/97; North Central Wisconsin & Christa McAuliffe: 7/21/97-7/25/97. APPLICATION DEADLINE: June, 1997. CONTACT: Julie Stafford, Project Director, 140 West ElmSt., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729. PHONE: (715) 723-1181. FAX: (715) 723-8554. EMAIL:
* University of Wyoming
Model Masters Degree Program
Principle Investigator: A. Duane Porter
Accepting Applications for New Participants: PleaseContact
DESCRIPTION: This programleads to the most in mathematics. Participants spend 8-11 &1-4 in class each day. Workshop materials are also prepared forparticipants use. CONTACT: A. Duane Porter A. Duane Porter,University of Wyoming, Math Department, Laramie, WY 82071. PHONE: (307) 766-3395. EMAIL: ADPORTER@PLAINS.UWYO.EDU.