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2. Division of Earth Sciences Letter
Available Formats:  TXT of Document number nsf94115
Document Number: nsf94115 
Document History: Posted:  August 15, 1994. 
3. Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) Sample and Data Policy
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf24124 | PDF of Document number nsf24124
Document Number: nsf24124 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  September 4, 2024.  Replaces: nsf17037.
4. Earth Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Handbook
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number nsf14045
Document Number: nsf14045 
Document History: Posted:  March 5, 2014.  Replaces: earthfellows2011.
5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Hazards SEES
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf14093 | PDF of Document number nsf14093 | TXT of Document number nsf14093
Document Number: nsf14093 
Document History: Posted:  July 22, 2014. 
6. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTC) for the Geoscience Teacher Training (GEO-Teach) (NSF 06-526) Cooperative Agreements
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number NSF06526TPTC000
Document Number: NSF06526TPTC000 
Document History: Posted:  November 7, 2006.  View Program Page of Document number NSF06526TPTC000
7. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTCs) for EarthCube: Developing a Community-Driven Data and Knowledge Environment for the Geosciences (NSF 13-529) Cooperative Agreement(s)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number nsf13529tptc000
Document Number: nsf13529tptc000 
Public Comment: Please refer to NSF 13-529 for the program solicitation.
Document History: Posted:  September 26, 2013.  View Program Page of Document number nsf13529tptc000
8. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTCs) for the Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) (NSF 12-575) Cooperative Agreement(s)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number nsf12575tptc000
Document Number: nsf12575tptc000 
Document History: Posted:  September 26, 2013.  View Program Page of Document number nsf12575tptc000
9. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTCs) for the Critical Zone Observatory National Office (CZO-NO) (NSF 12-595) Cooperative Agreement(s)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number nsf12595tptc000
Document Number: nsf12595tptc000 
Document History: Posted:  May 9, 2014.  View Program Page of Document number nsf12595tptc000
10. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTCs) for the Hydrologic Sciences (NSF 13-531) Cooperative Agreement(s)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number nsf13531tptc000
Document Number: nsf13531tptc000 
Document History: Posted:  February 12, 2014.  View Program Page of Document number nsf13531tptc000
11. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTCs) for the Ice Drilling Program Office (IDPO) (NSF 13-503) Cooperative Agreement(s)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number nsf13503tptc000
Document Number: nsf13503tptc000 
Document History: Posted:  December 5, 2013.  View Program Page of Document number nsf13503tptc000
12. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTCs) for the Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science (OEC) (NSF 13-558) Cooperative Agreement(s)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number nsf13558tptc000
Document Number: nsf13558tptc000 
Document History: Posted:  January 16, 2014.  View Program Page of Document number nsf13558tptc000
13. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTCs) for the Science and Technology Centers Program (STC): Integrative Partnerships (NSF 11-522) Cooperative Agreement(s)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number nsf11522tptc000
Document Number: nsf11522tptc000 
Document History: Posted:  September 26, 2013.  View Program Page of Document number nsf11522tptc000
14. Handbook for Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences Postdoctoral Research
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf14097 | PDF of Document number nsf14097 | TXT of Document number nsf14097
Document Number: nsf14097 
Document History: Posted:  July 25, 2014. 
15. NSF Implementation of the October 5th OMB/OSTP Joint Announcement Entitled, Hurricane Relief on Federal Research Awards
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number katrinaostpomb
Document Number: katrinaostpomb 
Document History: Posted:  October 11, 2005. 
17. Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship Handbook 2014
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number nsf15025
Document Number: nsf15025 
Document History: Posted:  December 8, 2014.  Replaces: nsf13030.

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