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Media Advisories / Media Tipsheets
1. "Blow-Up" Dams Might Protect Critical Structures In A Flood
Available Formats:  TXT of Document number tip40325
Document Number: tip40325 
Document History: Posted:  March 28, 1994. 
2. Change In Undergraduate Engineering Education
Available Formats:  TXT of Document number tip40404
Document Number: tip40404 
Document History: Posted:  April 8, 1994. 
3. International Experiment to Study Role of Pollutants in Climate Change -- Tipsheet
Available Formats:  TXT of Document number tip70905
Document Number: tip70905 
Document History: Posted:  September 5, 1997. 
4. Media Tipsheet January 28, 1994
Available Formats:  TXT of Document number tip40128
Document Number: tip40128 
Document History: Posted:  January 28, 1994. 
5. New Nanomembrane Could Purify Natural Gas -- TIPSHEETS
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number tip020419
Document Number: tip020419 
Document History: Posted:  April 19, 2002. 
6. New Ph.D.s See Labor Market Ups and Downs
Available Formats:  TXT of Document number tip71010
Document Number: tip71010 
Document History: Posted:  October 10, 1997. 
7. Researchers Attempt to Identify When, Where Volcanoes will Erupt
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number tip020401
Document Number: tip020401 
Document History: Posted:  April 2, 2002. 
8. Scientists Discover New, Self-Repairing Plastic
Available Formats:  TXT of Document number tip020304
Document Number: tip020304 
Document History: Posted:  March 4, 2002. 
9. Teachers Learn, then Teach Young Women in Summer Camp Computer Science Program -- Tipsheet
Available Formats:  TXT of Document number tip71017
Document Number: tip71017 
Document History: Posted:  October 17, 1997. 

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